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Lay down your love      
#1Lay down your love


Do you hear the sound
Of the ocean and the shore
Falling in and out of love

Stop the world and say
You’ll stay here by my side
I don’t ever want to leave
Crash into me
Then do it all again

Lay down your love
Tonight we come undone
Two bodies move as one
Lay down your love
Lay down and we can be
Two lovers lost at sea

You don’t have to hide
I wanna see you in the light
Till every part of you is mine

Stop the sun from coming up
I don’t want to rush
They all talk of paradise
But i see it in your eyes
Let's do it all again
#2Νέος στιχουργός: Paula Winger

Νέος συνθέτης: Γιώργος Περρής & Eric Rosse & Michael Carey

Πρώτη αποστολή: pikisΔιορθώσεις: pikis
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