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 Keep hanging in there
 I wish I could do much more things than just write a poem for you..
So here we are
With silence drowning all of our happiness
A silence that says some words
That cannot be told by humans
Words that keep a lot of fear for you
Everything feels like...black
Black like in a funeral's casket
You don't wanna do anything
You just feel that you have to be shot
That way all your problems will be solved

But no! This is not the way
These situations in life
They're only there to make us stronger
Stronger for life's objectives
Stronger for life's difficulties
They're there so that someday they will pass
These situations, believe it or not, are positive
Not because of what happened
But because they only make you stronger and even more ready
To take life's hits
This world ain't all sunshine and rainbows
There will be always weirdness, difficulties, a lot of problems
And you're never gonna hit as hard as life
So succeeding in life means
Being hit a lot but still having endurance to continue
Still having the strength to keep moving forward
That's how real winning is done
Never give up
Always continue
Even if you don't believe anything will happen
Continue because that's what makes all the difference in your life
So I want you to hang in there
Be strong and hang in there
Cause there's a lot more to live in life
There's a lot more difficulties to pass through
Pass these difficulties and you'll win!
Believe me you'll win!!

One more thing
I want you to remember that you have friends
Who really care about you
Friends that would do anything for you
There even could be some friends that would give their life for you
So not everything is black
There's always some white somewhere

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 5
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Φιλία,Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες

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It's not about how hard you hit, but how hard you get hit and keep moving forward
23-10-2009 @ 10:48
So here we are
With silence drowning all of our happiness
A silence that says some words
That cannot be told by humans
Words that keep a lot of fear for you
Everything feels like...black
Black like in a funeral's casket
You don't wanna do anything
You just feel that you have to be shot
That way all your problems will be solved

There's always some white somewhere...

I hope so ... ::up.::

...and...what if you wanna don't talk to anyone?....
there are times you feel that silence is medicine... you want to be alone for a while..just thinking..recalling the facts..
However, friends play a very important role in life all of us !!!!

Very good !! fantastic!! ::hug.:: ::1255.:: ::yes.::
23-10-2009 @ 10:50
in these situations sometimes yes, you do feel that you don't wanna talk to anyone but someday you will cause you can't keep it inside you for a long time
23-10-2009 @ 11:33
You're right.... you thing that you 're out of your limits....

you used to be patient.... but..... for how long????

you 'll thing that you're gonna exlode!!!

you're right! ::hug.:: ::up.:: ::yes.::
23-10-2009 @ 12:14
::up.:: ::up.:: ::up.::
11-11-2009 @ 11:49
So not everything is black
There's always some white somewhere
::theos.:: ::theos.:: ::theos.::

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