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 A true story
A true story
(A Wednesday morning)

In my garden grows some wild roses
The old kind of roses
The kind that have soul
Not the new fancy ones
Not the kind that grows for business
Not the kind that talks to the wallet
The kind that grows for feelings
The kind that whispers to the heart
The ones you knew for sometime
The real ones

As i was walking by
In a cold Wednesday morning
With real and illusion
With logic and dream
With acceptance and hope
With patience and impulsiveness
Like i do everyday
I heard a whisper
Coming straight from them
A soft gentle genuine whisper
Like a touch
I stopped
With a sad sarcasm on my face
A crying smile and a smiling tear together
As like i had just realize the infidelity of the memory
The child of the broken heart and time
I stopped
The whisper continues
It became softer and sweeter
Like a kiss
It became a hypnotize call
An angels lullaby
Something you cannot resist
Something you cannot do anything else
But surrender
And it asked me
To surrender
To surrender in magic
To surrender completely
I looked
Once at them once at the sky
I took a deep breath
I closed my eyes and as i lean forward
My sad smile vanished in the possibility of the dream
I believed
I made my wish
And i did surrender

The whisper was still there
Still soft still sweet still beautiful
But it was becoming sad and tremble
Like it was feeling guilty
Like it was having a secret
A secret
That first sacred secret
That cannot be held inside anymore
That has to be told

Am listening as i whisper back to them
And a shiver run my spine
Like hope
And it opened its heart to me
It told me
How they put their best costume
How they put their best smile
Their best perfume their best dream
So you would like them
So you would want to take them
To take them home
To add some of their beauty into you
Inside you

But this wasnt completely true
This truth was half

As their senses was climaxing
And their perfume was touching my soul
It told me the truth the whole truth
How they trick you
How they deceived you
How they hypnotize you
So you would want to take them with you
To take them home
For their beauty
But all they ever wanted was a chance
To be with you
So they could copy
So they could steal
As much as they could from your beauty
A crazy smile a shining diamond
A look a move a smile
To sense the perfection
As beauty at its best
Revealed at them

In my garden grows some wild roses
The old kind of roses
That to me smell like holidays
Like jasmine in August s brightest night
Like perfection
Like you
In my garden grows some wild roses
Your smile your look your move
Your mind your heart your soul

In my garden grows some wild roses
And i walk by everyday

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       Σχόλια: 1
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0


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29-10-2014 @ 23:11
Όμορφο... ::love.::

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