

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132444 Τραγούδια, 270714 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

 ποιος ήξερε
 iff (1/3)
ποιος το'ξερε
πως εκείνο το φιλί θα'ταν ο προάγγελος της άνοιξης;

ποιος 'το ξερε πως θα σ'αναζητούσα συνεχώς στα σκονισμένα στενά,
πίσω απ'τους ψιθύρους των προσώπων που αγαπούσα,

__________εκεί που ανήκεις τώρα,
__________μέσα μου;

ποιος το'ξερε πως η άνοιξη θα γινοταν καλοκαίρι;

και ποιος το'ξερε πως ποτέ δεν θα προλαβαίναμε το φθινόπορο;

Ξαφνικά ήρθε ο χειμώνας.

και τα'καψε,


 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 4
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Έρωτας & Αγάπη,Πρόσωπα
      Ελεύθερος στίχος - Ποίηση

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"κι ήθελε ακόμη πολύ φως να ξημερώσει/ όμως εγώ δεν παραδέχτηκα την ήττα", Μ. Αναγνωστάκης
23-10-2006 @ 01:21
Μετά απο κάθε χειμωνα ερχεται ξανά η άνοιξη...... ::smile.::
23-10-2006 @ 14:04
Έτσι ακριβώς φίλε μου....
Ή μήπως όχι;
Μου άρεσε πολύ.
23-10-2006 @ 16:03
ναι, μα δύσκολα ανθίζουν παλέ τα ίδια δένδρα,
και οι καρποί κ' ας ξαναγεννηθούν,
δε θα' ναι ποτές οι ίδιοι...

οπότε, ίσως και όχι:$

ευχαριστώ για τα σχόλιά σας..
16-12-2019 @ 12:12
"We are going to start with worshiping my feet." Lifting her feet and running one over his face, pressing her foot against his nose so he can inhale her scent between her toes. "Do it right and you'll be rewarded." Taking her foot, Alex pulled her socks off and watched her wiggle her toes as he inhaled the fabric, her scent made his cock throb and ache, her other foot still on his groin running back and forth over him, and he remembered he can't cum unless she gets to cum - https://rodrigolascivo.com . Taking her foot rubbing and massaging her soles, arched and worked his way to the balls of her feet watching her toes her head back a few times and watched him with lust and desire as he worked the kinks out of feet. Without warning or provocation, Alex wrapped his mouth around her toes, sucking them at first all at once, then each one individually. Jessica was in awe, and she felt her pussy throb a little at the sight and feeling of worship she was receiving, she started to give him a little reward, taking his penis out of his shorts, watching how it spring free, she paused taking in how big and thick he was, she licked her palms and gave him a little hand job, lightly tugging and jerking him off while worshipped her feet.

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