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 The Twilight Zone
 η ζωνη του λυκοφωτος στα αγγλικα
Doors around me wide open and the safety code is zero. I come in, I get out, I sit down, I wander like a madman, I smell the graves. Roots have grown on my feet and a magic star has brought me here. Yeah, it' s true, I' ve met the fear like a raw broth, I have seen it in my dreams, I was a nightowl, you were a lightning, you burnt my feathers as if they were wax, I couldn't fly anymore, so here on the Earth alone I wanted something to change. I have walked in narrow streets,open cages and around me trunks all open. No treasures were inside, no rubies and no gold. Instead they were full of dark clothes and chants approved by the Church. There were some thoughts, too, these wicked ones, and some wrappers full of pain and shame. There was a blood-written note and they were hunted by the Reaper. The note said that it's time to wore the clothes, to learned the chants, to be prepared for the funeral. No matter what, Felicity is dying now. Suddenly, I heard a thunder so loud that it startled me out of my dream and I found myself here. Not many hours had passed until I understood that reality and dream is the same want. And then, day ended and the sun died away and a wolf howled and sent me further down. O.K., it's finished now, I might have said, but the sun did not arise and I began to cry, but the tear stopped running dovn on my cheek, since nothing gonna change in the Twilight Zone. It will terrify us forever, we all belong to the Twilight Zone, the moon calls us unbearable, the sun sends to us the Messengers of Death. We all belong to the Twilight Zone, the ship is travelling to remote lands. We all belong to the Twilight Zone, our world is full of blood and useless aims. From our own blood rivers are made, on the background a new picture is running, a new picture still reflecting. Extraterrestrial, deathcobra, 7lives and elfie shut your mouth, they shut your mouth and sing, they still believe in the miracle and they haven't seen it yet, they haven't seen it yet and it's all very well for them, for whoever saw it he got entrapped in days dark like those which imprison every sense, every personality, every virtue. Yet, we may see it as well and someone may get lost, but in the Twilight Zone he will find himself again. He will be there again and louder than before he will be heard. Everything flows, gets lost and floats, but when it sinks and reaches the bottom, it gets out through the clouds, it fills the sky with dead stars. Now the doors had closed and the close has changed to 669. 21 days of hard, dirty labour. The first 6 is the evil, the other is the blood and panic and 9 is the opposite of every bad side. Do not say 69, it's not a porno, it's a world made by blood and sweat. And,oh, look how beautiful everything seems, enmity, hatred, envy,pain, crying, grief, irony, sacrifice, racism, prostitution, sodomy, drugs, illness, leukemia, all these and many more and others are the same, unusual, unchanged 21st century. But, what am I talking now, why don't I get fucked? Where the day is plenty, the evil is bgging. Years had passed unchanged, born in 1985, with no perspectives, 22 years the same steps on earth, my enemies have turned into friends. Logic is shattered, you' d better not live with it and if you see it, you' ll get caught in knots. From the rise till the set anything that somebody wants to leave behind is trapped. I had more to say, to be sure. Do not negotiate everything that comes from the sky, the snake is crawling in this world where the evil can live, a wounded soul in elfish realms strolls, from an unknown world something good it doesn't see. Earth is the planet, a fiering touch from a magic hand. A guest visitor is the God, religion the money, pain the joy, blood the comfort. One and the same I can't bear it, I' m still here, I' ve more to say, yet I want to make a break, the Twilight Zone is not lost, it is still here. It's here and explains the time, the present, the future and the murder, the way nightmare jumps into the dream and the knive goes into the flesh. But you may find time to see what' s dawning, a false sunshine or a path from melted snow. Maybe a tyrant on the Charon horse's saddle comes and goes. You may see a little knight holding instead of sword your beautiful youth, and a fairy with malices and no magic stick, but with all the sins. Perhaps the gates will change their code once more; nevertheless, you' ll be here again. You may never finish the game, you may even be born with fear and remorse. The only sure in what haunts us is that the Twilight Zone is getting larger.

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χρηστος καραμανος
21-05-2008 @ 12:40
Twilight Zone

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