My gift

Δημιουργός: ix8eis89, Sia


Εκτύπωση από:

i recognize betrayal...I can feel it running through my veins like poison..
It is moving straight to my heart crushing everything inside me..I do not wish to stop and stare...
I always know...That is my curse..That is my gift..
I can see through you...
I can read your mind...Your eyes never lie...
And i'm still here...Watching and hoping that i will be wrong one day..
I recognize betrayal..That you should know...
It haunts me...Every minute,every second of my life...
My curse,my gift...My salvation...
If i know whats going to happen to me i can deal with it...
That is how it has been..
My own mind is my trap...Smart and clever as it may be...As you may think...
But it's like a shadow over my shoulder..
I can smell lies..i do...
That's why i hate them...They confuse me...
I wish you knew...
But i know and that's more than enough...
I can read your mind...I can see your thoughts...
I never speak about do not be worried..
I'm the silent one..
Until i discover the lies...That's when i will leave...From you,from me...From every single tear i wasted on you...
That's when i will be lost...
That's my curse...
That's my gift...

Δημοσίευση στο 27-05-2011