
Δημιουργός: zanneiotisa, Αναστασία-Νικολέττα Αγάθου

δεν ειχει ολοκληρωθει ακομα... καλο ξημερωμα (και ελπιζω να περασατε ολοι σας τελεια την Τριτη 14/2/2012)

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

Just shine on
Just shine on my dreams
All of them because
They are all in black
And they want you come back
Dreaming with me again

I just wanna
I just wanna your love and your heart
Holding them in my hands
Keeping them in arms
Just put on me your trust


Just say what you feel
If everybody screams
Don't be scared

Just say what you think
If everybody drops hints
Don't be sad.

Just write on
Just write on my face
What you really want
And I'll give ny all
To show you my love
And what I feel

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 18-02-2012