Final immolation ( Αγγλικά )

Δημιουργός: orlok Davis, Steve Davis

Μελοποιημένο από εμένα και εκτελεσμένο από την μπάντα μου Coma Curve

Εκτύπωση από:

[align=center][B][U]Final immolation[/U][/B]

I was always there
Under the light that is dimming
I was absorbed by my thoughts
That drove me to a dead end

I was emerged in your ashes
In my hands I held your silence
Left all alone to fight your nightmares
Left alone to heal your wounds

I fade away close to you
I'I was burning close to you
But you never understood

As much as I trust you
As much as I loved you
I was always driving dead
To the final immolation

But now as much as I search in
In the darkness of your soul
Can't find a reason that is worth
Holding alive your existence

[I]Orlok Davis

Δημοσίευση στο 18-11-2012