The man

Δημιουργός: Peter

Σύντομα και η συνέχεια...

Εκτύπωση από:

A man is standing, at the door
And I am wondering, what he wants.
He looks the crowd inside, he wants to learn about us,
He turn his look to my side, (I) believe my life is a pass
A pass which no one can see, except the man at the door
He comes to take me away, from this unknown stupid world.

He strikes my back, like a friend
But he will trade me, in the end
He tells my name but is wrong, I want to leave but I can’t
He ask me something in Greeks , but I didn’t understand.
He take me straight from the hand, and then we go for a walk
We visit people whose dead, and then we stayed alone…

Δημοσίευση στο 10-03-2007