The key

Δημιουργός: k13739, Paula

Εκτύπωση από:

You thought you could see
because you looked at me.

You saw my smile,
but couldn't read my thoughts.
You saw my eyes,
but not my tormented soul.
You couldn't see me.

I was hiding behind locked doors
beyond your imagination,

My hesitation sank
as images united in my mind,
molded into shape,
tried to realise dreams of what could have been.

I was a caged eagle
striving to find the sacred key
-despite the chains -
to unlock the door,
to fly afar.

You thought you could see,
but when you did
- after I had found the key -
you were not able to look at me.

Δημοσίευση στο 08-01-2009