My little almighty star

Δημιουργός: Tdemetriades, Θεόδωρος

Ακόμα ένα ποίημα για την Αναστασούλα μου!

Εκτύπωση από:

A small girl, Anastasia is her lovely name
Into this world full of feelings, she came
She made me love her more than I can do
I just look at her, there’s nothing that I can do

I’m amazed by her rare beauty
Even though she’s a small baby
You are with her for a single moment
And you can understand that she is lucent

Long live my little Anastasia
She’s my Alpha and Omega
From the day she was born
I suddenly felt re-borned

She holds a small place in my heart
But she can make it big using her art
She already fulfilled it with love
I can fly high, to the stars above

She’s a bright star for my mind
So bright that it can make me blind
She will get through a lot of happiness and pain
But she surely can pass this difficult campaign

My love for her grows like fire
It can never have date of expire
When I start feeling cold
I think of her, my gold

My little Anastasia gave me powerful wings
So I can fly to the stars with angel beings
There are many things that I can’t deny
Instead of me, she gives me lullaby!

I’ve never loved a human as much as I love her
I just watch her smiling and I feel a lot better
She really makes me find my redemption
I love her, I love her, those are my options

She makes me feel like I’m in paradise
My love for her has a really huge size
I’ll say it every second of my life
I’ll love her till the end of my life

I’m desperately waiting for the time to talk to her
She can’t understand what I feel but it doesn’t matter
She’s by far the prettiest baby
The most infrequent beauty

“Do I love her?” Rhetorical question
My love for her is multiplied by a billion
God, she’s a pretty almighty star
I will never see such a star

When I see her I put my bad feelings in a box
Something like prison but with more blocks
So they can never come out and make me feel sad
I wanna feel like I’m her second dad

We’re going to have a good relationship
A strong, bright, dynamic friendship
I don’t care about my world and destiny
I just want to look at her, she’s so cutie

I’ll be there whenever she needs me
I’ll be there whatever she asks me
I’ll be there for her at good and bad moments
She will never, never feel my absence

Δημοσίευση στο 10-04-2009