The Demon

Δημιουργός: Συλλογος Ερωτεωμενων και φιλων, Συλλογος Ερωτευμενων και Φιλων

We're not alone... we feel an unseen love, we're the sons and heirs of grace...

Εκτύπωση από:

With blade in hand he sets foot here
a word which bleaks Immersed in fear
he roars and screams for all to hear
go hide dear child, he closes near...

Demon, dilates the sky in amber
a clash and stump, as fast as thunder

Swings of his axe
aim for your head
he will not rest
until you’re dead…

He speaks no words or thruths
to justify his action
only strikes reckless dread
in endless destruction...

Look out, here a demon speeds
with howls and cries, an evil seed.

Δημοσίευση στο 08-07-2009