Just With You

Δημιουργός: krithiotis, fotis

Η δευτερη μολις αποπειρα μου να γραψω σε αγγλικο στιχο.. αφιερωμενο......

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

I ' m here alone with you in my mind,
everything are different after you kiss,
i try in the dream your smile to find,
i never want your love to miss.....

Just with you in moon , on sky,
just with you the love to find i try,
without you there is no love,
you are everything.... everything i have......

In mind your hair like the dark night,
my soul is empty because you are miles away,
you are not in my bed but i don't mind,
i' ll wait to see you again..the following day.....

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 09-01-2012