Genikos Cosmological Theory

Δημιουργός: genikos, Σίσυφος Γενικός

αγνοήστε το αν δεν έχετε ιδέα για τι πράγμα μιλάει, απλά (αν θέλετε) ευχηθείτε του να είναι καλοτάξιδο...

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This project consists of a series of thought experiments which altogether form the «Genikos Cosmological Theory». This theory aims –among others– to combine Cosmology/Astrophysics with Particle Physics.

«Genikos Cosmological Theory» is based on Einstein – Rosen hypothetical topological feature of space-time, the wormholes. Only that in the former, the assumption that mass-energy entering a black hole can only move towards the negative arrow of time is made. Thus, wormholes are channels that carry mass-energy towards the kardia of the universe (which is currently called Big Bang). Mass-energy is then gathered in the kardia and when density/pressure exceeds a certain limit, an explosion takes place. Mass-energy is then redistributed towards the universe. Such explosions must occur constantly in discrete time, which has strong similarities with the cardiac cycle.

When expanded, «Genikos Cosmological Theory» can explain in a very simple and physical –rather than a complicated, mathematical– way, the observed accelerated expansion of the universe and the existence of «dark energy» and «dark matter». The main advantage of this theory is its simplicity, which allows a 3D visualisation of the structure of the universe. Actually, this theory claims that we don’t need 4D in order to describe the structure of the universe, since the so-called direction of height is just a snapshot of the direction (or arrow) of time in cosmological scale.

The aim of this project is to examine whether «Genikos Cosmological Theory» contradicts with observations and/or experimental measurements. If it does, then the project will try to shed light on the flaws of this theory. Even if this theory turns out to be invalid, science will have been benefited: because on our way to future/truth, we need to know which paths lead to dead ends. But if this theory turns out to be scientifically correct, the aim of this project will be to publish a paper using the main postulates of this theory.

1 Genikos (γενικός in Greek) is an ancient Greek word which means general or universal. Its original meaning was «belonging to a genus». It could also be referred to: i) all the associated members of a group, ii) the key points of a thing/topic which is not clearly defined, iii) (a person) who has responsibility for a set of tasks.
2 Kardia (καρδιά in Greek) is an ancient Greek word which means heart or centre/midpoint. Its original meaning was «home of emotions and passions».

Δημοσίευση στο 25-10-2012