Oh you all

Δημιουργός: πασχαλης15

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

Oh you all!
Great people of peace
You fenced the stars with wise wire netting
You fenced our dreams in a locked chest
You exchange pictures as if they were merchandise
Like a black market full of captives
I am crying like a small child
And I am thinking about the world I live in
War is everywhere, life is short
What do I need a silent life for
Why should there be war
I want to be a free bird
To fly away to distant places full of light
Why should we, the young ones, pay the price
We have no power
Our thoughts are just a whisper
The hawks, the kings of the skies are everywhere
And they bring terror with them
What should I do with this life that isn’t a life at all
This word will definitely disappear, and our world will vanish
I can’t stand this imprisonment any more
I would even give my life, for a change only so small
I won’t give up, I’ll dive in fire to fight them
I burn the mistakes they made in the past, they will be forgotten
Like birds who migrate.

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 07-03-2017