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Love her      
#1Love her


Love her,
love her from the spring time
love her for the days that you live.

Kiss her,
kiss her when she’s laughing
kiss her for the nights that you love.

And you will know how very special
it is to love her
and she can feel the loving grow
with every day you live.

Know her,
know the way she's feeling
know that if you love her she's yours.

Hold her,
hold her when she's crying
hold her till your hearts mend the wound.

Keep her,
Keep her till she's smiling
never let it rain on your love.

And you will know how very special
it is to love her
and she can feel the loving grow
with every kiss you give.

Love her,
Love her
love her from the spring time
love her for the days that you live.
#2Νέος στιχουργός: Brian Corrigan & Μάνος Χατζιδάκις

Να διαγραφεί η ερμηνεία: Άγνωστος

Νέος ερμηνευτής: New York Rock & Roll Ensemble (ο ερμηνευτής δεν εντοπίζεται στη βάση του stixoi.info)
Δίσκος: Reflections - 1970 (ο δίσκος δεν εντοπίζεται στη βάση του stixoi.info)  
Πρώτη αποστολή: pikisΔιορθώσεις: pikis
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