

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
131977 Τραγούδια, 269743 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

Ready fow the sun      
Αθηνά Ανδρεάδη
Αθηνά Ανδρεάδη

I’m taking in the summer breeze,
I’m swimming in a light blue sea,
Feeling, so joyful honey,
dress up in something sunny,
throw off your winter coat,
dance naked down the road singin' ,
let's have some fun,
get ready for the sun,
let's have some fun,
get ready for the sun .
I’m looking at a cloudless sky
I see the birds flying high,
feeling so joyful honey,
dress up in the something sunny,
throw off your winter coat,
dance naked down the road singin',
let's have some fun,
get ready for the sun,
let's have some fun,
get ready for the sun.
I don't know why,
I feel so high ,
getting ready for the sun,
throw off your winter coat ,
dance , naked down the road singin',
let's have some fun ,
get ready for the sun,
throw off your winter coat,
dance naked down the road singin',
let's have some fun,
get ready for the sun,
let's have some fun,
get ready for the sun,
let's have some fun,
get ready for the sun,
let's have some fun,
get ready for the sun.

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Δημοφιλία: -
      Αναγνώσεις: 396
      Σχόλια: 0
      Αφιερώσεις: 0

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   cactus @ 04-06-2020

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