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You Can't Blackmail Love      
Αθηνά Ανδρεάδη
Αθηνά Ανδρεάδη

I tried to love another man
i tried to be another woman
what's expected of me

i've no excuse but what i know
is that a woman isn't real
till she fails

how long can you lie for

you can't blackmail love
can't force your own heart
to feel something more
to do what it won't
you can't blackmail love

i'm still a mess
i'm still a wreck
the sails are black but you return
my old true love

well, did you win
how was the fight
was your minotaur as clever
and tough to beat as mine

how long can you hide for

you can't blackmail love ...

i made my baby cry
and i broke down
i had to find out
what true love's really about

you can't blackmail love ...

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Δημοφιλία: -
      Αναγνώσεις: 417
      Σχόλια: 0
      Αφιερώσεις: 0

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   cactus @ 05-06-2020

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