

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
131932 Τραγούδια, 269730 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

Prince frog      

I ain't no nice guy in this fucking town
but I used to have a cloud up my head to drag me down
Always raining in the land of rock n roll
maybe one day it will cleanse my dirty soul

Every night when I'm laying on my bed
always trying to forget but I can't
Everything goes wrong I have no money and I have no home
my girlfriend dumped me and my car was broken down

I ain't no nice guy in this fucking town
but I used to have a cloud up my head to drag me down
Always raining in the land of rock n roll
maybe one day it would cleanse my dirty soul

Give me one more shot the boys says yes my mom says no
like a prince or like a frog i don't care
I can't wait no more the king is dead the prince is gone
I feel like a man without a soul but so full of hope!

I ain't no nice guy in this fucking town
but I used to have a cloud up my head to drag me down
Always raining in the land of rock n roll
maybe one day it will cleanse my dirty soul
maybe one day it will cleanse my dirty soul
maybe one day it will cleanse my dirty soul

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Δημοφιλία: -
      Αναγνώσεις: 133
      Σχόλια: 0
      Αφιερώσεις: 0

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   pikis @ 12-12-2022

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