celatreuw 24-12-2009 10:52 | ayto t tragoudi m 8umizei t persino pasxa....to xeirotero ::sad.:: ena dikopo maxairi ................. ::down.:: | free life 28-02-2009 06:58 | ti tragoudara einai ayth?????? | THEOFANOUS 30-12-2008 03:44 | axxxxxxxx re theofanouss ::love.:: ::love.:: ::love.:: | vassiakoyia13 25-12-2008 12:28 | I don't want a lot for Christmas,
there is just one thing I need.
I don't care about the presents
underneath the Christmas tree.
I just want to fall my own
more than you could ever known,
make my wish come true.
All I want for Christmas is you!!!!!!
I love you George Theofanous.
Vassia. Greece, Athens, Ilisia.
Σ'αγάπησα απ' την πρώτη στιγμή που σε είδα, και είσαι ο πρώτος έρωτας της ζωής μου!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  |
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