

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132355 Τραγούδια, 270146 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

Πού ήσουνα - 2003       
Γρηγόρης Πετράκος
Γρηγόρης Πετράκος

Τώρα με παίρνεις κάθε μέρα
και ενδιαφέρεσαι
Τώρα μου δείχνεις συνεχώς
πόσο με σκέφτεσαι

Μετανιωμένη μου μιλάς
με λόγια ψεύτικα
Θες να μου δώσεις την αγάπη
που ονειρεύτηκα

Πες μου πού ήσουνα
τις ώρες που πονούσα
Νύχτες που μέσα
στο ποτό σ’ αναζητούσα

Τότε στιγμή τον έρωτά μου
δεν λυπήθηκες
Τώρα λοιπόν στα ξαφνικά
πώς με θυμήθηκες

Τώρα μου στέλνεις της αγάπης σου τα γράμματα
Τώρα στην πόρτα μου σε βρίσκω
τα χαράματα

Κάθε σου βήμα μου θυμίζει
πόσα πέρασα
Όμως αγάπη μου
για πάντα σε προσπέρασα

Πες μου πού ήσουνα
τις ώρες που πονούσα
Νύχτες που μέσα στο ποτό
σ’ αναζητούσα

Τότε στιγμή τον έρωτά μου
δεν λυπήθηκες
Τώρα λοιπόν στα ξαφνικά
πώς με θυμήθηκες

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Δημοφιλία: 60%  (1 ψήφοι)
      Αναγνώσεις: 5021
      Σχόλια: 13
      Αφιερώσεις: 1

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   Dexter @ 05-05-2004
29-08-2006 14:29
ΠΟΥ ΗΣΟΥΝΑ? ::cry.::
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
pes mou pou isouna tis wres pou ponousa...7/8
   Αφιερωμένο από Efh -
για Kwsta -
09-06-2005 03:46
::smile.:: ::smile.::
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
egw eimai edw... esy den mporeis na me deis....f...
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
im sooo excited 4 ur bday ... for 3 weeks ive planned ... saved all my pennies lolz ... i cant wait till may 9th .. to see ur beautiful face be supplied!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLZ ...
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
Ό,τι θέλεις για σένα θα κάνω μονο ρωτησε τό, αγάπη μου!!! Γιατί είσ' εσύ σώμα μου, μυαλό μου και ψυχή.
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
i cant wait when i have to make that call and ask u to meet me at the park ... i am nervous thinking about it ...sometimes at nite, in the dark ... under the stars and the moon watching over me i dream ... i imagine what that will be like ... how will i call? my hands will probably be shaking like crazy ... my heart beating ready to pop out of my chest ... ill ask my mum to drive me and leave ... and ill wait .... wait to see ur face .... every nite that i think of this day my heart beats out of control ... then i imagine u walking over to me all calm and me shaking like a xazouli that i am ... ull know that i would have broken things off with him cuz that is the only time id call u to come to the part ... so ud know when you get that call that at that moment i am yours ... so ull walk towards me ... ull smile and so will i ... not say a word .... and just put my arms around you ... youll put ur around me and not say word ...my god my heart is beating like crazy now ... mm ti trellokoritso pou ime eh?
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
i know i know i know she is wrong i know
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
i have always been by your side even though everyone is pushing me away from you...and i always will be ...just like that day at the mall on the bench when you put your arm around me .... i wish we never need to hide but we do ....and we always will need to cuz my friends are going to be so pissed and your friends well watever .... wat am i saying ... when will we be together? i dont even know cuz he is not letting me go....so u say ull wait ... but for how long ... how long can u last with me like this ... being with someone else??? you wont last much longer ... noone could ... the fact that you lasted this long is a surprise to me...my mum thinks you are seeing ppl on the side but u are not telling me and that if my bf leaves me ull leave them .... mmm maybe she is rite as usual ....so when you ask where was i when u were stressed about us, in pain, and completely frustrated please know i was rite here a_a_i mou.... i was rite here going thru the same thing as you ......
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
1034 ....... Πες μου πού ήσουνα τις ώρες που πονούσα .... mmm
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
wow that was me exactly a month ago ....and a month later im still here by your side ... your friends think im a cheap *9*)*() leading u on ... my mum thinks im selfish cuz i will not allow u to move on ... everyone is telling us that we cannot be ... my mum made me promise to set u free to meet others ... she doesnt care if we want to continue chatting but set u free for others ... she didnt beleive i would so she made me promise to her life i would never ever interfere ... so i have to now lolz ... but alway no im here aggeloudaki mou ... she mite look like me ... walk like me ... talk like me but shes not me ... im me ... and im by your side ... so next time to put your hand on her waste to dance remember the times we danced .... the smiles i put on your face and no that u have and always be my first to bring me to the top ... boy its late so i better go ... i wish i can see ur face wen you go into lyrics nd see my little notes ... will u remember?? will u smile ?? or will it be a far memeory that faded with time ...
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
i was rite here .. .next to u ... u just never belived that i was. Ill always be by ur side even if you dont think so. I wish i could stop your pain cuz i no ur hurting but i cant.

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