

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132355 Τραγούδια, 270138 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

Παραδέξου - 2003      
Βασίλης Γιαννόπουλος
Αντώνης Βαρδής

Τι σου ’χω κάνει και με τρελαίνεις;
Τι άλλο θέλεις από μένα δηλαδή;
Κανένας άλλος μην περιμένεις
να σ’ αγαπήσει από μένα πιο πολύ.

Παραδέξου κι εσύ πως με θέλεις πολύ
και πεθαίνεις για ένα φιλί.
Παραδέξου κι εσύ πως με θέλεις πολύ
κι από πείσμα με διώχνεις, τρελή.

Τι σου ’χω κάνει κι όλο στραβώνεις;
Τι σ’ έχει πιάσει και με διώχνεις δηλαδή;
Αφού το ξέρεις πως δε γλιτώνεις,
αν δε μου δώσεις της καρδιάς σου το κλειδί.

Παραδέξου κι εσύ πως με θέλεις πολύ
και πεθαίνεις για ένα φιλί.
Παραδέξου κι εσύ πως με θέλεις πολύ
κι από πείσμα με διώχνεις, τρελή.

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Δημοφιλία: 100%  (1 ψήφοι)
      Αναγνώσεις: 6194
      Σχόλια: 25
      Αφιερώσεις: 0

[1] Ό,τι έχω στο χαρίζω

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   Schatzi @ 04-10-2004
Τραγούδι από τον προσωπικό δίσκο του Α. Βαρδή "Ό,τι έχω στο χαρίζω" (2003).
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
I love this song cuz it reminds me of us a few months ago ... i love it ... so here we are a few months later after all our chats ... after all the "secret" codes ... the dancing .... the arguments ...the making up lolz ... ti trella pou imastan ... how many times did i tell u to go to cass or bb? how many times did i pray at nite that u would not listen ... and u didnt ... so here we are four months later and we will finally be together ... i can hold u in my arms without feeling like a bad person ... i can finally put my hands on your face and look into your eyes freely and let u stare into mine cuz i wont be afraid that ud see how much i love u ... .i never wanted to look into yours agapi mou cuz i was scared ud see what i was so desperately i was trying to hide ... i love your eyes but u already know that ... i love everything about you ... your eyes, your lips, you amazing smile, your patience, your stubbornness, your everything ... i wish we can be like my aunt and my nono ... since they were 14 they have been together ...my nono told me that he had to fight like crazy to keep her cuz everyone tried to get them to break up cuz they were jealous ... he said that if he had not been strong and determined my aunt would not be his today ... so i hope to god ur strong and determined mr. h ... i hope u stick by this trellokoritso ... i hope u know that she loves u like crazy .... that 50 years from now she will still think of u as her first and only secret passion ... no matter what god has in store for us, please know that i will love u till the day i take my last breath .... u might leave me for someone better but always know that there is a gurl that fell for you in october, hurt for u in december, and openned her heart for you in January ... and since then she has loved you more than words can say ...
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
Im so tired today cuz i hardly slept ... my mum slept with me and held me in her arms all nite ... i didnt want to go to school today cuz i was scared to face her ... i dont know why but i just couldnt do it .. this is going to be so hard for both of us ... my mum asked me last nite "r u sure this is worth the risks and the heartaches" and without a second thought i said "i have never been more sure about anything in my life"., so then she hugged me and said if u are that sure psipsina mou then im here to protect u both ... dont worry it will all be fine ... so i believe both of u my love i believe
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
smiling like crazy cuz of u aggeloudaki mou ..
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
u make me laugh all the time xazouli with ur answers ur sooo cute
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
can u imagine what it will be like when i call u to meet me at the park? sometimes i sit awake at nites and imagine ... imagine me calling u ... and seeing u come out of your house ... walk calmly towards me .... ill be soooo nervous cuz it will be the beginning of something i have wanted for such a long time...wat will u be feeling aggeloudaki mou ? mm? wat will be going thru ur head at that minute?
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
ela kardoula mou ke pare me makria ... mono ego ke esi ... na figoume na figoume na figoume ... take me away from here ... ela na ginis dikos mou ... ela na mou pis pos magapas ...
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
Πώς ήθελα απόψε να ήμουνα κοντά σου στη ζεστή σου αγκαλιά τα μάτια μου να κλείσω να κοιμηθώ, αγάπη μου, κι ας μη ξαναξυπνήσω!!!
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
u r sure about that ...
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
no i dont know... i wanted u to tel lme ...
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
i want u to tell me in here ... that way if something happens, i will be able to go back and read wat we wrote each other and smile ... thats why i want you to rite in here kardoula ... that is why ...
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
mmm "hopefully"
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
did u enjoy your nite aggeloudaki?
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
φέρε τα χείλη σου στο στόμα μου, σου χαρίζω απόψε την ψυχή μου!!! Aμμα την θέλεις
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
Μόνο για μας όλα τα αστέρια στον ουρανό κάνε λοιπόν όσες θες ευχές
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
όταν μένω μόνη μου σε φαντάζομαι μέσα στην δική μου αγκαλιά
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
mmm how was ur nite? lolz
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
Θεέουλι μου, δε σ’ αρνήθηκα ποτέ μου μα τώρα μία χάρη σού ζήτω: Αυτος που θά ’ρθει απόψε άφησέ με μια νύχτα να των έχω για θεό
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
do u think he is listening to my prayers aggeloudaki mou?
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
1 day ... at our park ... the park where only happy things can happen!!!
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
wat exactly did i say that u r thanking me?
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
im happy when u r happy
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
mm xoxoxoxooxoxoxo trellokoritso lolz
   Ανώνυμο σχόλιο
mmm... to paradexome alitaki mou ... to paradexome ... lolz ...

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