

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
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 Dance me in effigy
Filled with fancy that burst in bloom so blissful
From a faint nebulous notion – you knew nor when nor why –
Dance me in effigy – yes – me suspended there wistful
With toe tips drawing flourishes on the floor of the sky

Firmly propped on the pillars yet afloat in the ether
Throbbing with southern zeal yet at North Pole I linger
Immobilised arrested to the point when I dither
In the harsh sash of your hands – tight tangle of your fingers

The refrain pounced violently upon me and tore me supine
Made you pry my wings open apart vehemently lean over
Like over a book raising abrupt eagerness of the mind
Let your eyes glide like flashlight through me – led the book’s leaves asunder

Now peacefully nested – my sweet swirl inside will not relent
Till I swing obliviously slumbering solaced and quieted
Danced smooth in effigy still intact and somnolent
Drowsy I dream softly stiff cured of the earlier anxiety

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 4
      Στα αγαπημένα: 1

      Έρωτας & Αγάπη,Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες
      Στίχοι για μελοποίηση

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χρηστος καραμανος
30-04-2009 @ 00:09
Now peacefully nested – my sweet swirl inside will not relent
Till I swing obliviously slumbering solaced and quieted
Danced smooth in effigy still intact and somnolent
Drowsy I dream softly stiff cured of the earlier anxiety
that s fine!!! ::love.:: ::love.:: ::love.::
03-06-2009 @ 03:09
Ευχαριστώ για τις επισκέψεις σας. Χαίρομαι για αυτές, ειδικά όταν αφήνετε σχόλια. Κοιτάζω τακτικά κάτω από όλες τις δημιουργίες μου, ακόμα και τις παλιότερες.
21-06-2009 @ 15:27
Now this is art. Beautiful. ::up.:: ::theos.:: ::theos.::
25-06-2009 @ 02:51
tks k13739! ::hug.::

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