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 Newborn Nymph
From my shore I saw a shimmering shoal
Swirling to their surd chord
Filmy fins kept flickering at me
As if motioning me to join

Foreign to this filigree realm
I knelt down yearning for the glint
Tethered to the terra firma
By the force not worth a hint

Heedless of which I waded boldly down
Barefoot against the roughness of the reef
Quenching slowly the fire of the new desire
I left that arid land without grief

Wavy licks crept quavering up my skin
Sweeping me softly down onto the ground
The relentless crest stifled me within
And my tears joined the saline swell around

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       Σχόλια: 6
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Αναμνήσεις & Βιώματα,Ταξίδια
      Στίχοι για μελοποίηση

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11-06-2009 @ 08:01
11-06-2009 @ 08:11
16-06-2009 @ 22:44
What's so scary, huh? ::scare.::
21-06-2009 @ 15:24
I do like the way you play with words and sounds, the "f"s together, the 's" s together... the whole poem is beautiful to listen to but not a piece of cake to understand. Are you talking about becoming a mermaid or making love? Sorry for aksing ::blush.::
25-06-2009 @ 03:06
You're right, k13739, it is much too salty to be a piece of cake! ::naugh.::

As regards the interpretation, I am too reluctant to go into διαδικασία to provide it this time. All in all, next to the poem you can find its two categories that can serve you as a cue. I could just add here that this poem, old as it is, could be a good introduction to my latest opuscule "Σοβαρά τώρα."

Relish the poem the way you like, but munch it well before swallowing. ::naugh.::
04-07-2009 @ 00:44
Point taken. Well said. Again, though.... superb alliteration. ::yes.::

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