| The payment for a wrong turn |  | | Μια φρικιαστική ιστορία...Μην φοβάστε είναι φανταστική! Είναι αρκετά μεγάλη.Σε αρκετούς δεν θα αρέσει γιατι είτε είναι πολύ μεγάλο, είτε είναι πολύ τρομακτικό, είτε γιατι είναι γραμμένο στα αγγλικά, τέλοσπάντων. Ήθελα απλά να γράψω μια ιστορία φαντασίας | | Trapped in a forest
Where there is nothing you can see
Nothing alive that you can touch
Not even nothing to hear
You can only hear the beautiful sound of the winds
Going through trees
Anybody who went there went for dozens of reasons
To do hiking
To search
Or just passing around
But you went to play in a survivor-like reality TV show
Called Apocalypse
"It's supposed to take place in the end of the world
And it's the ultimate test for a human
If you want to survive you will have to pass the ultimate test
If you don't pass it you're dead, don't worry it just means you're disqualified
Let's make it feel real"
Soon this ultimate test
Turns for real
It becomes the ultimate horror for the six contestants who would appear on Apocalypse
And the title is a perfect way to describe
The hideously deformed and insatiably hungry hillbilly cannibals!
The six contestants of Apocalypse who have to survive (for real) are:
Erica "the loner woman", Texas "the athletic kind hearted guy", Steve "the joker", Daniella "the hardass military girl", Aleksa "the kind-hearted city girl" and Crystal "The slutty hot chick"
They still don't know that cannibals exist there
But when a cannibal called "Three-Finger" excruciatingly kills one of the show's producers
The six contestants realize that they will really be the ultimate survivalists if they do it..
They can't think much
They made the wrong turn
But they surely have to go and find a phone somewhere in the woods to call for help
They split up to 3 groups of 2
Erica with Aleksa, Texas with Crystal and Steve with Daniella
Erica with Aleksa find a house
Without knowing that this house is the home of cannibals
They get in there while the cannibals are not there
When they hear them getting in
They hide in a room but at the same time they witness the mother figure of the cannibal family called "Ma" giving birth to a mutated cannibal baby and they are, in turn, spotted
While they are trying to get out the cannibals follow them..
They did make it out of the house and they run
But during the pursuit the father figure of this cannibal family called "Pa" kills Aleksa by throwing an axe onto Aleksa's head as Erica hides
"Pa" looks for her but doesn't find her
The other cannibals who chased Erica and Aleksa are: the daughter figure called "Sister" and the son figure called "Brother"
They take Aleksa who's dead and leave her for a lunch meal later...
Erica sets off to find the others
Texas and Crystal are trapped in a lake while fighting "Brother" and "Sister"
Texas manages to escape
He does and tries to help Crystal but they take her
And they killed her by slashing her with a machete repeatedly and revealing her spine
Coincidentally Erica and Texas meet and they try to find Daniella and Steve who still don't know anything about the existence of cannibals..
(Actually they thought before that a human killed that show producer, they didn't believe there were cannibals)
They find them
They tell their story but Steve doesn't believe it
Instead he believes that it's special effects for the show
But later on he realises it's true by finding out that the white meat he's been eating minutes ago is a human's leg
The 4 of them still try to find a phone on another area
They split up 2 by 2
Erica with Texas and Daniella with Steve
Daniella and Steve just minutes later are chased by "Pa" and "Brother"
They escaped from them but they are caught by a bear trap
Therefore it is so easy for "Pa" and "Brother" to kill them
"Pa" intends to kill them with an arrow
But he sees how happy "Brother" is with their meal hanged on a bear trap
So he gives the bow and the arrow to "Brother"
And he kills them both with one arrow by throwing it and passing through both Daniella's and Steve's eye
The remaining 2 survivors find an abandoned mill
Full of destroyed cars
Which turns out to be the cannibal's main home but they don't realise it
The two, Erica and Texas, split up trying to find a phone there
The cannibals "Sister" and "Ma" capture Erica while Texas still tries to find a phone
But later on "Pa" and "Brother" capture Texas too
They don't kill them though straight away
Instead they hanged Texas' hands so he cannot move
And they torture Erica by feeding her on the cannibal's dinner table, human's brain
All hopes for surviving these are lost by Texas and Erica
But here comes Marlon Johnson
A man who's a retired marine military colonel
And hosted the show
Marlon didn't know anything about this but he realised it when he saw many parts of human bodies everywhere in the forest
First Marlon tries to catch the attention of "Brother" and "Sister"
He succesfully makes them both to go and search for him
While "Ma" and "Pa" stay on the dinner table waiting for them
"Brother" and "Sister" search for Marlon but they don't find him
Marlon though sees them and throws an arrow, that has a stick of dynamite on it, on "Brother"
While "Sister" tries to help him the dynamite blows killing both "Brother" and "Sister"
"Ma" and "Pa" hear the explosion and they leave too
Marlon though got to the dinner table and frees Erica and Texas while the remaining cannibals see that their kids just got killed and they think of revenge
Erica, Texas and Marlon try to escape but soon the trio gets into fight with "Ma" and "Pa"
Marlon kills them with the same way he killed "Brother" and "Sister"
All were done..they thought so
Erica and Texas just remembered that
There was one cannibal remaining
Three-Finger who earlier in the day killed one of the show's producers
Three-Finger is with the newborn cannibal baby
Marlon splits up with both of them and finds Three-Finger with the baby in the house "Ma" borned the baby
He throws through the window 5 sticks of dynamite and he goes away
Three-Finger didn't make it
He and the baby were blown up by the dynamited
All the cannibals were killed
Marlon finds again Erica and Texas and the three drive away from that place to safety
 |  |  |  |  |  | | Στατιστικά στοιχεία | |  | | Σχόλια: 7 Στα αγαπημένα: 0
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| It's not about how hard you hit, but how hard you get hit and keep moving forward | | |
glaykh 1982 25-08-2009 @ 15:22 | τι σημαίνει ποιητική δικαιοσύνη? ::oh.:: | | Tdemetriades 25-08-2009 @ 15:24 | αυτό βρήκες να πεις σ'αυτό το ποίημα; τέλοσπάντων κοίταξε ένα από τα παλιά μου ποιήματα και θα καταλάβεις | | barboutsala 25-08-2009 @ 15:30 | 8 σελίδες αγγλικά για να φρικάρουμε; όχι ρε φίλε, δεν παίζει, αμαρτία απ' το θεό δηλαδή | | Tdemetriades 25-08-2009 @ 22:10 | μια ψεύτικη ιστορία είναι! που είναι το κακό; | | sissaki ssss 26-08-2009 @ 02:35 | ::8026.::
καλοοοοοοοοοοοοοο!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | | La Petite 26-08-2009 @ 03:47 | Εγώ που δεν ξέρω καλά Αγγλικά και πρέπει να το τυπώσω για να το διαβάσω με την ησυχία μου (και ενδεχομένως και με τη βοήθεια λεξικού) θα σας πω αύριο...... ?????????? ::rock.:: | | Tdemetriades 26-08-2009 @ 05:59 | όταν μπορέσεις για πες μας γιατι απ'ότι φαίνεται ξέχασα τα αγγλικά μου.. | |  |
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