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 ena keimeno p egrapsa me sourealstikes eikones k skepseis...
a beutiful orange sunset, a wet rose held by a crying angel statue ...the statues from the easter island made from iron.....stopped clocks...the illusion of happiness and joy...our everyday life which disturbs the absolute zero...
the smoke rising from the remains of our life a life that was modified by a system they all accept wthout a second thought...im not a part of them...they are not human...they are...something...who cares...their pace is rising i cant keep up ...i dont want to..they are suffocating me...everyone...i open my eyes... i turn my head....i try to realise something different...something unreal...in the end dissapointment...no thats not right...an unevitable misery...
i try to hear a voice...i try to catch a thought...an ideal...a belief...but the only thing i hear is the same...i cant understand...really i try but...the voice speaks differently..i cant make out ....maybe its just not a speakable language...maybe an animals roar...probably...surely...
i see dreadfull figures .....i dont want this...i want to cange everything...but nobody cares ...nobody understands...maybe even i cant.....maybe its just immpossible...a bending skyscraper held by a giant robot being builded by countless.... what are these???i cantt make out what they are....they are fading away...a drop of water falling in a glass tube leading to an enclosed fire....the word humanity seems so distant to me...maybe unreal...i can see money on the side of the road they are eaten by well-dressed worms followed by pathetic miserable creatures....i dont know who they are..i dont want to learn...it doesnt seem a temptation to me...we are not the same...
they are monsters with an iron missile in their chest and a hammer in their head..such a weight....i have nothing to do with them..with nobody...leave me alone, come here...i just dont mind.....do not disturb...perhaps should close beautifully like in the beginning...of course...but no i dont want to...what a beautiful word ...the only think keeping me alive..

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       Σχόλια: 3
      Στα αγαπημένα: 1

      Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες

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10-10-2009 @ 04:29
::rock.:: ::rock.:: ::rock.::
10-10-2009 @ 05:04
:: up.:::: up.:::: up.:: τελειο....
11-10-2009 @ 03:49
eyxaristo ::up.:: monajia

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