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 Time-breaking joyful lie
 Perigrafi enos sinaisthimatos p oloi niothoume kapoies fores .....
A sparkling light,an enormous content,
everything around seems so nice "nice"...its as simple as that...
You now like more than normal helping showing compassion to the others close to you...
you think that now you can...something lke that.......
you feel you can be in the centre ,you and everyone around...
Your confidence is high,
your moral just too good....what else???never mind...
You forget the misey of life for a moment ...
The colours around me seem so cheerful,the light of the sun so lively spreading and covers all reviving everything giving his lost beauty back...
restoring the fallen innocence and purity of nature and all visible things...
You try to somehow conceal yourself a little...the truth is you dont want to...
You are forced by others ...or maybe it too much for you..dont answer ..i know...
mark that in your soul only......
Youu ll realise all that later...You'll do it beacause everyone around does the same....so you believe at least...
what to say.....nothing......it doesnt change like this....
to get rid of something needs action and the mind to refuse.....
heh, im too demanding for our years....
Sit back,relax and enjoy the moment passing and past present and future fusing into a crystal moment for you...
Exploit it as much as you can....enjoy it but be sure to be strong to face only worse things.....avoid despair later....or accept it with reaction and sellf pity....thats the way it goes....
This situation is not permanent...like a drop falling to the sea,a firework to the sky ...like the light of a thunder...it will disappear no matter what leaving exciting feelings and later....depression and patience if its possible for the person for th next.....pity
You dont like to hear it,tese words you just dont want...i dont blame you..neither do i...I know you hate being told all this....I should better not..
....bu eventually youll see things clearly...
Hope you can always bre like this....but that is just impossible in this life ....
Listen to a man in self-conflict,hear my voice...listen to reality breaking inside...
You run with agony ,you try so hard....you are right.....it will all be bad news.....it can only bring anger and avenge...that would bring to me ..thats the only thing i know....

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 5
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες

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01-11-2009 @ 00:38
:: χαμόγελο.:::: χαμόγελο.:::: χαμόγελο.:: ΄πολύ ψαγμένο .μπράβο.....
01-11-2009 @ 04:22
Καλό μεσημέρι και καλό μήνα
τώρα να το μεταφράσω όλο αυτό???
::hug.:: ::whist.:: ::blush.::
01-11-2009 @ 15:31
thanks monajia......oti thes kane romance ;) ::up.:: ::up.:: ::laugh.::
01-11-2009 @ 15:35
::rock.:: ::rock.::
01-11-2009 @ 15:37
t classic tou nasou ::laugh.:: thanks pantos

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