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 We Are Friends
[align=center]I'm walking away, from a love,
the one in the past that towards i drove,
i'm walking away from you before you leave me...
The stars, the moon,
we quit looking at together so soon,
i'm living like in prison but i'm free...
Back in my home, to spend,
the minutes without having an end,
time just passing like in my dreams.
You don't care, don't feel,
you know the way how to kill,
everyone that don't fulfill your needs!

Now we are friends, just friends,
nothing more between us in the air...
Now we are friends, just friends,
for the love i gave you isn't fair!

When i'm alone, i try,
to stop thinking of you, that makes me cry,
tears falling down like acid in my face...
And you, away,
calling again my love to reborn,
now this is just a closed case![/align]

Χρήστος Μπαλτατζίδης 15/07/2010

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Όποια θελήσει τα τραγούδια μου να κρίνει, ας το σκεφτεί μήπως γραφτήκανε για εκείνη…
χρηστος καραμανος
15-07-2010 @ 09:44
::up.:: ::up.:: ::up.::

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