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 Icy Queen
 Αγγλικός ο στίχος. Ένα μικρό πειραματάκι... ;)
Almost forgot, to speak, to eat, to rap
to spank everyone that fuck with my side,to write rhymes
cuz of you, I 've never really tryied to breakthrough
to overcome your eyes, your lies, never wanted your soul

never expected less from you my baby
you kill me, you spit me, you ressurect me
you 're a drug, a hardcore fuck, my baddest luck
im your stop, your not, your away, a freak full of love

Every little time that i see your face i stone my mind
how i could 've left all those emotions on that shitty road behind
how you want to be ok with me with what happened then?
you turn the summer into winter and the winter into hell

It's goin well, well, im freaked out from your smell
Yeah, stop doin that shit, you broke eternal sleep in my grave
Im out, i fall, i flew, i knew, i puke, i look at you
an nothin seems to put you in mood to understand this hook

It's both of us, yeah Im sure
I insulted you with my dreams
Icy Queen you played a game real swol"

[align=center][I]Icy Queen, 2010 και συνεχίζεται...[/I][/align]

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      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Παραμύθια,Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες
      Στίχοι για μελοποίηση

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