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 Illness of memory
 Είναι η εργασία μου για το μάθημα "creative writing". Για αυτό και στα Αγγλικά!Το θέμα ήταν το φινάλε μιας ερωτικής ιστορίας

.After a lot of years of measureless egotism, he could finally see his mistakes through a wasted life. A divorce from an eight-year-old marriage, his little son,only five, whom he had to leave behind, a well- promised carrier which had to come to an end before he managed to get rewarded for his work. And now he could see his figure through the window, traveling alone in a crowded train to Paris,with no company, but himself. A life went behind as the train covered the distance between Berlin-where he spent the last twelve years of his life and he basically started to work on his dreams-to Paris and he didn't even know what to morn for first. He didn't even know why he chose to leave his country and go to Paris. Maybe this choice was a spontaneous one which nobody could explain or maybe it was a well-hidden memory which suddenly turned into a desire. He could remember her always telling that she wanted to become a ballerina in Paris and even though that was a childish dream, he was sure that she fulfilled her dream and she was somewhere in Paris dedicating every dance of her to him. That was twenty eight years ago, at the age of ten, the age of innocence and ignorance, when neither of them could distinguish dream from reality, but still sometimes memory overlaps time itself.

The train started to increase the speed and he was now completely convinced that he didn't want to escape. Not again. This was a secret and ambitious plan to find her- now he knew- even though it was not the first one. Five years ago, he tried to escape from the prison of a well-organized life without love. And he was about to do that, when he found out that his wife was pregnant after their third anniversary, and it was then when he gave up every hope of meeting her again. He convinced himself that that would be the end of an over twenty- year- lasting memory, but he seemed to have overestimated his power. Suddenly, he could feel his eyes wet, “Not again”, he thought and he tried to hide them from the other passengers around him. Every time he thought about her, he had these embarrassing tears in his eyes and then there was something like a headache. Kind of headache. He visited the doctor several times in order to get rid of it, but it turned out to be more difficult than he could imagine. This headache haunted him like she did, and after years he wasn't sure that he still wanted the cure. This physical and mental pain were the only proves that he was still alive.

He finally decided to get some rest, as these thoughts really exhausted him. The trip would be very long and the headache of memory became more and more intense,so that he could feel the pain affect on his heart beat He was not able to control his breath anymore..He was half asleep trying to find his way back to consciousness,when suddenly he passed out.

It was already half past four and the train was in the middle of the way,when she waked up from a voice coming from the loudspeakers “If there is a doctor among the passengers,please come to cabin 2,wagon 67. It's an emergency.” She wasn't even properly awake, when she asked the other passengers what was all about, while trying to get to the cabin. Her children were still asleep and they didn't seem to realize all the noise coming from the worried passengers who were looking for details. At first she didn't want to leave them alone, as she thought that they would be frightened if they wake up and wouldn't see her around. Her little twin daughters were her treasure since the day they were born, but when her husband transferred to Berlin for professional reasons, she dedicated her life to them. The previous year was the worst of her life, when she had to pretend in front of her children to be happy ,while visiting her husband four or five times a year. She wasn't happy anymore, and now it was about time to admit it.

She was afraid of something but couldn't define it. It was not the sight of an ill or even a dead person that she was afraid of. She was exposed to such scenes for several times in her twenty-year-old medical carrier. It was something else.

She found the cabin and tried to enter it, making space as the place was crowded.

-Please, please make space..I am a doctor.., yelled at the noisy people around the man.

Everybody stepped aside immediately. She approached the man trying to check his pulse. She could say that this man was probably coming from India,as well, judging from his dark skin, similar to hers. One quick thought came to her mind, but she didn't want to think.

The man was still weak, and she suggested that he was transferred immediately to a hospital.

-We should call his family, suggested one of the people. Try to find his wallet. We need his name and a telephone number, said when one young man started to look for the man's luggage.

-Here it is...Ku..Kubma Maharatz R, he tried to read the name.

At first she thought she didn't hear well. Could it be true? The man who she was trying to meet for so many years...for a life...here...half dead. Not possible. She grabbed the passport from the surprised young man standing before her. Yes. That was the name and that was a picture of him as a child. She started to speak in her language, calling for him. She was no longer a doctor trying to cure a patient, she was a woman trying to bring her love back to life.

-KUBMA, it's me Ravi..... Kubma,why?, she shouted half crazy. The people surrounded them surprised. Kubma was still on the floor unconscious and Ravi upon him on her knees,like she was praying to their God for his salvation.

After a while Kubma finally came into consciousness again. He was still weak and for a minute he could not recognize even the place.

-Kubma,my Kubmaa,where have you been all this time?, Ravi whispered. She tried to keep it quite this time,as she didn't want to feed up people's curiosity.

-Ravi,is that you?, Kubma whispered. I was trying to...find...you....... The words wouldn't come out of his mouth. He had to fight with two forms of weakness: the one of illness and the other of love. And he suffered from both of them equally.

-Kubma, don't speak right now. Try to be strong...We will have the time to speak later, Ravi cried.

-I...want.... to.....,he tried to continue.

-No,don't...Don't tell me anything. Not now,not here, not like that... Later, I'll wait, she screamed

- I...love you.....Ravi

She started to cry while he passed out again. In the middle while, the train had arrived to the nearest station and an ambulance was there waiting for the patient. Everybody, was starring at Ravi trying to understand what was all that for. There was no explanation given. Ravi went back to take her children and then followed the ambulance.

After a long-lasting operation for brain tumor and one month in a comma, Kubma died. He wasn't able to speak anymore after this day. Ravi would remember for the rest of her life,this conversation which was not meant to finish and Kubma's last words “I love you,Ravi”.However, she blamed herself for one thing: she postponed to say “i love you” back to him, and then she never got the chance again to tell it, but on his grave.

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07-05-2011 @ 01:31
-No,don't...Don't tell me anything. Not now,not here, not like that... Later, I'll wait, she screamed
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL4iDuzOCUM ::theos.:: ::theos.::

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