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 Can You Touch Me (or You'll Go Away)
[I]Can you touch me?
Can you touch me?
Deep in my heart?
Can you feel me or you'll go away?
Like you always did

I wish I could touch the stars
But I know that I can't
It will always be a dream
Like having you

Can you touch me?
Can you touch me?
Deep in my heart?
Can you feel me or you'll go away?
Like you always did

Can you love me?
Without playing with my heart
Is it so hard for you to do?
Is it so hard for you to love me?
Be with me, hold me tight?
If it is then just let me go
And stop your foolish acts

Can you touch me?
Can you touch me?
Deep in my heart?
Can you feel me or you'll go away?
Like you always did

Oh oh yeah or you'll go away..away, away...

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 5
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες,Έρωτας & Αγάπη
      Στίχοι για μελοποίηση

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marico butterfly
24-09-2011 @ 19:19
υπεροχο!!!!!!!!! και δυστυχως με εκφραζει απολυτα..... ::love.:: ::love.:: ::love.::
24-09-2011 @ 19:51

::theos.:: ::theos.:: ::theos.::
24-09-2011 @ 20:15
παρα πολυ ωραιο........ ::up.:: ::yes.:: ::up.::
24-09-2011 @ 21:52
Can you love me?
Without playing with my heart
Is it so hard for you to do?
Is it so hard for you to love me?
Be with me, hold me tight?
If it is then just let me go
And stop your playin'
03-10-2011 @ 23:55
einai pli wraio otan vlepeis kati pu exeis grayei na sisxetizetai me katastaseis k allwn anthrwpwn:) sas euxaristw pli olus gia ta kala sas sxolia ::smile.::

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