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 Thoughts of a crazy man
You know you cant control this
If the seed is planted in your heart thats it
And thats all
Of course you can lock it away
But then you gonna be heartless
Less human less everything
No more no give no share

Do your friends know anything about me
Do your eyes shine when you whisper
Do anybody knows Do they ?
Or i am just a dream just a secret just a fear for real
Cursed always to end as u waking up
And dying in the clouds of fake of lies of confusion

You cant control this
Of course you can go by logic
Give always attention to the negatives
Easier to find excuses easier to explain
So maybe the guilt can ease and peace can come
But if you want perfect
Try a babys laughter or a birds song
Cause time and life spoil us in a way that
makes us more humans

Of course you can go with your mind
In interesting roads though you getting into
Of money and wealth and power and control
In daytime night uniforms and blank eyes unable to cry
And madness and quest for normal for paranormal
Always round and round and round

Of course you can lock it away
Of course you can
Its a matter of choice
But dont throw away the key
There is noone else that can unlock it
Nobody else
Just me

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       Σχόλια: 2
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Thoughts of a crazy man

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30-05-2012 @ 10:27

::theos.:: ::theos.:: ::theos.::
30-05-2012 @ 18:15
Its a matter of choice
But dont throw away the key
There is noone else that can unlock it
Nobody else
Just me
JUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::yes.:: ::yes.:: ::yes.::

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