

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
133377 Τραγούδια, 272105 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

i am not more than a forsaken memory
of a king long lost
and i am just a glimpse of a past not real
when you sing oh poet
of old times now lost
remember those that gave
their blood to the cause

fire and ashes this world will bring
no glory for fallen heroes
this age is a lost cause
i am afraid oblivion is near
and i am not with power
nor strong to withstand

fear of the darkness
oh traveler of times now not
remember us as we were
the long lost heroes
of an era not spoken anymore

we were near when Prometheus
stole fire from gods
we where there to whisper
bring hope to the world

we were near the fire when Zeus burned the skies
seeking nemesis to the world
but we never took positions
eternal as the world
we choose to be observers
to watch from windows the world
thrice we denied power
and we became empty shells to world

i regret nothing
i forget everything each aeon
hear me oh mortal
if you walk this road you will fall
cast the stones aside
brothers you have
nor Cain or Ave l
they where just names of past
peace is the key to paradise
one importand aspect given to this world

as the creator call me
i will rise to the call
and i will be forever forgotten
from this history of pain and loss
but i regret to go without leaving a message
help to mortal worlds
go live and fight
darkness will fail to hold
if hope is near and you choose light to hold

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