

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
131960 Τραγούδια, 269733 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις


People like me are all the fire
People like me are people like you
Untamed and wild
Controlled and caged
Able to demolish the hardest enemy
And die in the sweetest affection
Painful for the seeking of the cuddle
Playful at the joining of the dancer
Frightened at the screams of the voracious
Secured with the music of the warmth

People like me are all the wind
People like me are people like you
Impulsive and fierce
Calm and refreshing
Able to scar the soul of the unfortunate
And able to find a course for the lost
Hateful for the wounds of the madness
Loveable for the taming of the unbearable
Fearful for the wrathful of the sky
Trustful for the sweetness of the sea

People like me are all the earth
People like me are people like you
Old and young
Monstrous and tiny
Able to terrify with the waking of the hidden
And to relief at the sight of the safe
Strong as the smile of the rainbow
Sad as the vast of the emptiness
Real as the truth of the nature
Vain as the offsprings of the sins

People like me are all the water
People like me are people like you
Life giver and life taker
Divine and evil
Able to be soft as the first craving snow
And hard as filthy souls insult on it
Melodious as the newest of the streams
Disturbing as a drop rape the calmness of a pool
Mysterious as the sacred spring of youth
Simple as the fragrance of the rain

People like me
People like me are people like you
Denied to be handled
Unable to be controlled
Complicated to be understood
So fragile and so threatened
Made not from flesh and bones
But from stardust s most magical secret
We dont obey the rules
Why cant breathe within limits

People like us are paradox
A beautiful ancient paradox
So beautiful people
So beautiful
Always coming in pairs yet always alone
Always hiding and always running away from the convenient but empty whole
Always searching and always seeking for the unique but full half
The One
The Soul that can dream
The Spirit that can fly
The Energy that can create

And if you are blessed enough
If you can find the right path
That elusive right path
And if you have what it takes
That no man ever had
To understand to tame and to conquer
If you can smile and cry
Be stranger and familiar
Crazy and sane
Be up and down in your journey
And if you are able to be complete and half
And be exposed and be freed
Even if it takes a lifetime
You will find
The key for all doors
The answer for all questions
The roots for all hopes
The source of light
The secret of life
Of all lives
Love at the most pure of all forms
True love

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 3
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0


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27-09-2014 @ 19:25
And if you are blessed enough
If you can find the right path
That elusive right path
And if you have what it takes
That no man ever had
To understand to tame and to conquer
If you can smile and cry
Be stranger and familiar
Be up and down in your journey
And if you are able to be complete and half
And be relieved and be freed
Even if it takes a lifetime
You will find
The key for all doors
The answer for all questions
The roots for all hopes
The source of light
The secret of life of all lives
Love in the most pure of all forms
27-09-2014 @ 19:32

A torrent of beauty !
28-09-2014 @ 16:55
People like me are all the water
People like me are people like you
Life giver and life taker
Divine and evil

People like me
People like me are people like you
Denied to be handled
Unable to be controlled
Complicated to be understood
So fragile and so threatened
Made not from flesh and bones
But from stardust s most magical secret
We dont obey the rules
Why cant breathe within limits
People like us are paradox
A beautiful ancient paradox
So beautiful people
So beautiful
Always coming in pairs yet always alone

And if you are blessed enough
If you can find the right path
That elusive right path
ΚΡΑΤΑΩ ΑΥΤΗ ΤΗ ΛΕΞΗ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::yes.:: ::yes.:: ::theos.::

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