

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132422 Τραγούδια, 270622 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

 The aftermath of a picture
The aftermath of a picture

The sad part is
You still
Restrain your feelings
Your genuine feelings
You still refuse
Cannot express
Not directly
Not anymore like always
But as you hide in the shadows
You retrace
What you miss
What you want
What you hate
What you love
Where is your madness
Where is your magic
The regrets and the fights
And what
Is the ribbon and what is the present
And what
Is the true and what is the feign
And for what ?
Do you even know ?
Is it for some shallow pathetic but passing by reasons ?

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 1
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0


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05-10-2014 @ 01:47

Πρέπει να συνδεθείς για να μπορείς να καταχωρίσεις σχόλιο