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 I Will Jump Start
I never cry
I just sometimes I might try
Stagger from booze
I've got the sunny side blues

Let's say I am like sidewalk lovers
I kinda live inside clovers
I am too stupid to be smart
It's like I'm born with the flu
For the bull's eye of the dart
Don't have a clue

But I hope I'll get it straight right on
But first things first the flu knocks always dead on

I get some zees under the shade in the sun
And there I go and get sunstrokes just for fun

I do my best to stop the jinx
I'll buy a charm and I'll trip over missing links
I know I can
Some day I will
The plan will run
I'll grasp the skill
I cross my heart
I will jump start
I will jump start
I will jump start

I never cry
I just sometimes I might try
Stagger from booze
I've got the sunny side blues

I get some zees under the shade in the sun
And there I go and get sunstrokes just for fun

I do my best to stop the jinx
I'll buy a charm and I'll trip over missing links
I know I can
Some day I will
The plan will run
I'll grasp the skill
I cross my heart
I will jump start
I will jump start
I will jump start

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 5
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες,Χιουμοριστικά
      Στίχοι για μελοποίηση

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Δημήτρης Ιατρού
25-06-2015 @ 00:36
Good from you. ::theos.:: ::theos.:: ::theos.::
Νικόλας Φ. Κοκρής
25-06-2015 @ 00:46

Video Clip from the comedy titled Rat Race ,
starring John Cleese (of Monty Python Fame)

the line goes...

First We Get Naked , But We're Only Wearing Sailor Hats
Then We Get In A Jacuzzi Filled With Pepto Bismol
While I Clip Your Toe Nails And You'd Shave My Buttocks...

p.s. This must be what it is like
when you're a lap dog and a stud dog
and you're mixed up for good !!!
25-06-2015 @ 10:55
REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!! ::theos.::
25-06-2015 @ 17:46
ΚΙ ΕΓΩ ΕΤΣΙ .................
ΠΡΩΤΗ ΣΤΟ ΤΖΑΜΠ ΕΙΜΑΙ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ΠΡΩΤΗ ΣΤΟ ΠΗΔΗΜΑ ΕΙΜΑΙ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::up.:: ::up.:: ::up.::
25-06-2015 @ 23:06
Ολα περνουν και χανονται. ::love.:: ::love.:: ::love.::

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