

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
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 Little girl
Run away little girl
go hide under your bed
stick your stars
on the roof, pretend they are wishes
at some point they will come true...
Careful girl..
dreams can be dangerous things
sharp as blades
sticking out of your skin
like arrows...
Poisoned apples must be offered child.
Who would curse a walk-on..
Don't pretend..
you are not drowning,
just holding your breath.
who would love someone like you..
Your lipstick is hanging on your mouth
like an open wound..
no one will kiss your pain away dear..
no one even knows you are here.
Run away little girl..
go sneak inside a book...
bleed through the pages
live the life of an other...
no one wants to share yours with you anyway..
Laugh little girl blue,
your laugh is like summer rain,
soon the world will tear it away.
Don't you know better..?
hearts are breakable...
You're broken doll...
you're broken...
Go back into your nightmares sugar..
your heart is pounding like war drums
chasing the dreams away..
Stop rattling around diarie...
i hope you'll chocke with loss.
Oh love it's just me
infecting everything you love..
I would hug you
but I have no arms.
I would kiss you
but my lips bled to nothingness...
I can't love you..
I have no heart...
There is a dead girl inside me..
and I am the one who killed her...

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 2
      Στα αγαπημένα: 1

      Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες,Φιλία

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Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream....?
13-10-2015 @ 11:05
dreams can be dangerous things
sharp as blades
sticking out of your skin
like arrows.. VER TRUE!!!!!!!!!! ::up.:: ::up.:: ::up.::
13-10-2015 @ 15:24
::up.:: ::up.:: ::hug.::

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