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I still remember that night...
We were just laying down on a beach gazing at the stars.
You hugged me as tight as you could, and asked me how I felt about you.
I didn't answer.
Not right away.
I felt your anxiety rising up waiting for an answer.
It's not that I didn't know what to answer, that was the only thing I was certain about.
It was just that the answer could not be given in words.
No matter how many or how sophisticated words I used, it would just not be enough to explain to you.
Ι just pulled you near me, hugged you at tight as I could and whispered...
"Listen. Listen to my heart.
Listen to it's beat getting a little faster with you just being here in my arms...
Feel it pounding even faster as I pull you even closer, longing for you to kiss me.
This is how I feel about you."
You looked me with those sorrow eyes of yours and smiled.
You already knew, but for some reason you needed to hear me saying it. That was our last night together...
You said you knew how much I loved you but my love frightened you, that you were worried you were not ready to love someone back that much.
But you see, I already knew that and I didn't care.
All I ever wanted was love you.
That was enough for me. That's what love is...
Giving everything you've got to someone and asking nothing for return.

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 2
      Στα αγαπημένα: 1

      Έρωτας & Αγάπη,Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες

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Δεν έχει σημασία πόσες φορές θα πέσεις, αλλά πόσες θα σηκωθείς
10-07-2016 @ 16:28
t's not that I didn't know what to answer, that was the only thing I was certain about.
It was just that the answer could not be given in words.
No matter how many or how sophisticated words I used, it would just not be enough to explain to you.
Ι just pulled you near me, hugged you at tight as I could and whispered...
"Listen. Listen to my heart.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!excellent!!!!!!!!!!!! ::theos.:: ::theos.:: ::theos.::
11-07-2016 @ 23:04

Πρέπει να συνδεθείς για να μπορείς να καταχωρίσεις σχόλιο