

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132355 Τραγούδια, 270139 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

 Shalow waters
Under pale moonlight
With a few stars
Looking down from above
He stares at the water
In it, the reflection of a dove

As the bird takes its flight
He is left to stare
At only his own glare
He wonders why he’s so plain
Not having that certain
Je ne se quoi
That brings the ladies
Clamoring to the stage
Just to get glimpse
Of this man, like a prince

©2018 Jeremy Michael George



Just the reflection in the city lights.
And an empty whisper.

But the deaf can’t hear…

Staring at the endless beauty of the sky,
watching as people are passing by.

He is there, with his “boring” smile,
searching for someone to give it to.

But the blind can’t see…

So, he is left there, alone…

After all that, alone…

Copyright © Δημήτριος Μπονόβας


A small crack sounds
Is like a crash to his ears
In the deafening silence
Of his own tears
Despite the intrusion
He refuses to look up
Or away from his delusion
Of not being enough

Still as he broods
A figure looms
Into his peripheral vision
Not scary, but there
And seats themselves
Right next to his despair
A chance meeting
Or fate showing itself fleeting?
He's not sure
But it's certain, it could be
The meeting he's been dreaming of

©2018 Jeremy Michael George[align=center]

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