Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 00:14 | The Belgians in the Congo short memory
Plantation in Virginia, the Raj in British India
The deadline in South Africa short memory
The story of El Salvador, the silence of Hiroshima
Destruction of Cambodia short memory
Short memory, must have a, short memory | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 00:23 | Iraqi na anevasw pali tipota me "Sofia Zileia" kai ton "morti" ton adelfo tis gia na ftiaxteis??
v | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 00:30 | O allos o HLITHIOS PornoDRAKOS pige 4 fores Oz)Martio tou 2009.Oktwvrio tou 2011,Dekemvrio tou 2017 kai ton perasmeno Septemvrio) kai den mporese o PornoANAPHROS oute ena kafe tis parigorias na piei me to "Arianaki"::love.::.
What a fakin´ LOSER! | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 00:53 | .
Kára .................. "last" OFFER of the year!
An exeis estw mia fwtografia me tin PONTIA pou vgikate "mazi" gia kafe stin Melvourni(na faineste ksekathara ki oi 2 sas pou katheste se kapoio trapezi,opws autes pou eixes anevasei me tin Maria tin PONTIA
sto Coctail-Bar "Fusion" in Playa del Carmen sto Yucatan
to kalokaIri tou 2008)
anevazw fwtografia mou me kartelaki peistikotitas sta sxolia from 6 pm to 12 pm of this year(2022!) ............ stin mana mou tin makaritissa!
Kai koitakse oxi tis klassikes karasourgele Photo-SOUPIES sou giati erxomai kai "aprosklitos" stin STROUGKA sou sto "Havighorst" kai me perigrafeis ESY ston Iraqi me ton kwlo stin sakorafa.
Ante na synelthei kai i IRAQOVINA mas ligo!
Auto isxyei mono gia simera Savvato 31 Dekemvriou tou 2022.
Mut belohnt die tapferen ........... also!
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Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 00:53 | Iraqi ................. sprwkse ki esy ligo re!!! | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 01:02 | Tosa xronia to paleues san epaggelmatias "Reverse Psychologist" kai den kataferes mia.Twra sou dinw EGW auti tin eukairia total "tzampa" kai aforologita. Ante na to xwnepsei kai i HLITHIA gklava sou, oti autos o SkatopornoGKEKAS stis fwtografies pou mas dixnei ola auta ta xronia o KRYFOS Pousto-Kára kai pisteueis san XARMANI oti einai "kapoios" GERMANOS gnwstos tou den einai allos apo ton PornoKÁRA ton "idio"
Orma "mox8iraki" mou ................. Kára i SkatopornoSYKIA einai auti! | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 01:03 | 23 hours more!
tic tac tic tac | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 08:27 | 15 hours and 30 minutes more!
tic tac tic tac | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 08:28 | Sprwkse re IRAX! | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 09:00 | Re Iraqi .................... poly ptwsi o Kára!
Oute tis psyxanagkastikes tou me copy & paste.
tsk tsk tsk
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Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 21:12 | .
Kára ............... ligotero apo 3 wres!
Min kaneis pws den vlepeis??
Arianaki::love.:: + Kára sto "Point Ormond Cafe" by Elwood/Oz anno October 2011 se apostasi parigorias.

Na thymitheis kai ta "fireworks" in the night of New Years Eve(2018) ........ a.i.nte!!!
Deadline 23:59 (GR), Sat.31.12.2022
tic tac tic tac
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Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 21:24 | ESY mwri KouradoPREZA ti theleis kai petagesai san ton "Vale mpastouni" kai meta liges wres koveis laspi
me tis anartiseis sou??
Mas anevazeis kai "tzampa" POZERIES me "vaporakia" gia adelfes sou mpas kai mas pareis paramazwma me to kamioni & tis karasourgele manouvres sou.

"Like" den exei!!! | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 21:29 | Pantws to "vaporaki" ......... fernei kai ligo stin PONTIA tou Kára apo "Cancún" 2008 meria.
To "Skrofaki" i Maria alias Lenio(i sygkatoikos tou "Lesakou" sta soudastika tou xronia) pou sas ekane parea sto tilefwno tote re!
Nomizw??? | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 21:31 | Kára .................. "tic tac tic tac"!
Sou leei tipota?? | |
Antiope11 31-12-2022 @ 22:06 | .
Iraqi DEN thelw KlapsoMOUNA in the day after!
The DEAL is ultra-fair ki apo pleuras mou "maximum" risk tzampa for the New Year´s Day.
Sprwkse loipon ligo ton Kára kai tha´xeis ki esy tin "mikri" parigoria sou.Kserw poly kala poso se "kaiei" pou den mporeses na deis estw mia fwtografia me to "paidi tis planis" 12 oloklira xronia gia na kaneis tin sygkrisi sou me kapoia PrezoPOZERIA apo Palio Faliro meria kai emeines aparigoritos me mia "ftwxi" perigrafi tis PONTIAS in "Al Cerbino" format.
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