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 Why Angels Die
 Για όσους έχασαν κάποιον στο Μάτι....
This terrifying dragon rises from the mountain
Enraged from the abyss of his wicked soul
He craves for our lives, to see our downturn
We were playing in the sun, we didn't care at all

He laid a flaming breath upon the trees
Whispered to the wind by flapping its wings
And our Kings stood still, they had nowhere to turn
They tried to call the angels but they were already dead

No one knows, noone ever will,
why the angels died
No one can, noone ever will
bring them back to life

The Kings made a prayer to the Mistress of water
to twist the time and pull our boats
We called her name but there was no answer
the mist like a snake over the water floats

Is this some kind of hell? Is this the end?
The innocent paid for all our crimes
We kept up wishing for heavy rains to descend
but salvation is far, we've crossed the lines

No one knows, no one ever will,
why the angels died
No one can, no one ever will
bring them back to life

Is it the end?
please tell me why
why angels die

Tell me why
Tell me why
tell me why
why angels die

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      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Γεγονότα - Ιστορία - Μυθολογία,Κοινωνικά & Πολιτικά
      Στίχοι για μελοποίηση

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