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 Sex,zaria & Rock´n Roll

Kára tha riksoume ta "zaria" stis 28 Augoustou mprosta stin ekswporta tou Iraqi stin Ierapetra??

Thelw na tou kaneis tin ekswporta "xese mesa" .............. eisai???

Iraqi ............... "Spartiatissa" i Tzwrtzia ap´oti eida ee??

Apo Eksarxeia Revolution kai tauli me ton Kasidiari ston Korydallo.

Wraio to profiterol!!!

Kára ........... me to aristero ii to deksi i viopali???

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Eμείς δεν βουλώνουμε τα dondia μας σε Dr Keity & Allies, τa kanoume polyvoleia gia ton Führer!
06-07-2023 @ 12:28
Den mou les re Kára giati mas vazeis "tsokaro" ohne Ende teleutaia??

Midlife Crisis ii tipota Complex katwterotitas kai anasfaleias???

To ekanes kai to kaneis otan evriskes kai vriskeis ta zoria stis antiparatheseis sou me tous allous. Akoma den to kseperases re VLAKA???
06-07-2023 @ 12:33
Oso gia tis "zartieres" ..................... esy re HLITHIO VlakoMOUTRO den anevases mia fwtografia proxthes me kapoio "tsokaro" pou forouse "aspres" zartieres??

Alzheimer- kai TSIKNA Sensoren-Untersuchung fällig!


Tsikna re KaraMOGGO...

izz3hl5q.jpg xkiiod3c.jpg


g6d7j2i2.jpg ... ksypna!

06-07-2023 @ 13:13

Ki epeidi mas evales poly "tsokaro" ............ piase kai mia kopelia pou tha´thele na me gnwrisei prin 4 xronia stin selida pou syxnazw!


Kai mia "Kára,katse kala!"


Pwww ton POUSTH ............. tin "aplwse" pali!!!

igit igit

06-07-2023 @ 21:35
KaraMOGGO deine Hausaufgabe für die nächsten 12 Jahre!


Georgia Kefala: From the “Blues” in the Parliament and daily in the news
Sonia Trend a day ago
Georgia Kefala: From the “Blues” in the Parliament and daily in the news
Georgia Kefala: From the “Blues” in the Parliament and daily in the news

Since last Monday, when Georgia Kefala was sworn in as a member of parliament, who according to her statement “resembles… energetically” the president (of the movement, as she calls Freedom Sailing) Zoe Konstantopoulou, has not left the news.

The “war” that started with Tzimeros over her dress and the statement about the “Spartans” have occupied the news for the last few days.

If nothing else, the performer of the “Blue” group Georgia Kefala, started as she had promised, when she announced her candidacy to the world: “There won’t be a chalala left that won’t be folded! There won’t be a “sleeve” left that doesn’t become a fiesta! There won’t be a bodice left that doesn’t have taste… Georgia irons with Zoe Konstantopoulou”.

The above indicates only one thing. Her disposition to leave nothing unanswered. Of course, making tragic mistakes (which she then takes back) such as the statement about the Spartans or the messages that Tzimeros was supposed to send her, but in the end they were from a fake profile.

But how did Georgia Kefala get to the Parliament? What were her first steps and what were her reasons for getting involved with the public.
The fight with Tzimeros

The first person who… ironed Georgia Kefala’s head was Thanos Tzimeros, known for his extreme views.

Georgia Kefala, during her appearance in Parliament for her swearing-in, wore a green kimono and a black jumpsuit with a deep neckline. Also her hair is dyed yellow and she wears different earrings.

Immediately her choice of clothes created a panic on social media, with some sharply criticizing her and others supporting her choices.

Among the critics is Thanos Tzimeros.

With three tweets, Thanos Tzimeros dealt with the open cleavage of Georgia Kefala. Among the things he posted, he claims as a conclusion that: “When you dress up for a number at the Dolphinarium or for an appearance in a beach shop, it means that this is how you perceive your role in the Parliament and the role of the Parliament, as a whole”.

Georgia Kefala responded immediately.

A few hours after Tzimerou’s comments, the MP of Plefsis Eleftherias posted the following on social media: “At some point, slowly and painfully perhaps, the people inside and outside the Parliament will stop pretending. Everyone will make the wonderful journey of their life in the way they want and look for themselves without judging others.

I dream of this world. Whether the yellow shaved hair, cleavage or glasses add or detract from seriousness I leave to your wonderful minds.’

“I want to tell you the following. I grew up next to the Parliament, I took my walks in the National Garden, I skated outside the Parliament and I grew up at Koumpari 5 as a child of janitor parents. My emotion is great that a child can make this journey and end up here.

From skating 17 years old outside the Parliament, without any uncle in Koroni, he manages to enter the Parliament and speak his mind. That is the great thing about Democracy and that is where we should stand. Thank you all”, says Georgia Kefala in her video.

At the same time, she also denounced Tzimeros for aggressive personal messages, a statement she took back later saying that they came from a fake account and not from Thanos Tzimeros himself, as she had reported a few hours earlier.
The controversial statement about the “Spartans”

Tzortzia Kefala, when asked to comment on the entry of the far-right party “Spartiates” which has the support of Ilias Kasidiaris, who was convicted of running a criminal organization, said that “they represent a part of society that wants to move forward more dynamically”.

He went on to say that “of course I don’t agree with all the positions, I can say that I disagree with most of them, because dynamism has nothing to do with imposition, it has to do with dialogue and discussion and establishing your views. I don’t consider their methods to be valid”.

However, it causes a feeling that Mrs. Kefala seems that since she disagrees with most of the positions of the “Spartans” there will also be some positions that she agrees with.

Georgia Kefala’s statement provoked strong reactions, as expected. She decided to take a position on this specific statement and the reactions, stressing that she does not support the Spartans, which is completely contrary to “my beliefs and life attitude all these years”.

She wonders “what is it that pushes a group of people to vote for them. That they are ahistorical as they like to accuse them? That they are uneducated? Complex? They learn 3 words of Greek and then they are descendants of Leonidas?”.

Georgia Kefala concludes her post by emphasizing that “the point is to understand the mechanism that leads to fascism. This is how he will be defeated.” At the same time, Giorgos Liagas also came into her sights…
The beginning in the theater

How she entered the field of singing and which great singer encouraged her has been revealed by Georgia Kefala herself.

He was born on June 11, 1971 and grew up in Athens. “I come from Paros. I spent summers and holidays there. My father owned a steakhouse and my siblings and I helped him. At the age of 15 I took up ballet and dance. But I realized that the song is what expresses her the most” she says in one of her many interviews.

Her first recording attempt was in 1995 on the live album of Mimi Plessas and Giorgos Hatzinassios entitled “Prova Generale”, where she had a participation. He played in “Demons” with Anna Vissi, in 1991.

He also participated in a musical performance with Marinella at REX. In 1995, Georgia Kefala participated in Eurydiki’s musical performance entitled “Whatever touches me”.

Georgia is the lead singer of the Blues. She describes her career in the following words: Artistically, I started with musicals because dance was my main subject. So finishing my studies I got involved with Demons and after the encouragement of the people I worked with, I started to get more serious about singing. I have also worked with Vissi in Daemones, that is to say, the things I have done are quite opposite, from the musical Sweet Charity, then in Marinella and now in Ble where I settled”.

She has also appeared in television music programs.
Her awkward moments

She has also referred to the awkward moments and awkwardness she has experienced on stage, speaking in the past to Mega. “When I was singing with Glykeria, Tournas, Vardis and Eleni Dimos, I stepped on oil from the smoke that was coming out and fell on stage,” he said, while “another eutrapelo was with Mimi Plessas, when my tambourine went away from hand, hit the stage and came back to my hand.”
“I laugh at people who think I’m on drugs”

Photo source: Facebook

To those who believe that her eccentric appearance is accompanied by abuse and even drug use, she herself in another interview answered as follows: “This is a matter! Then they see me in the park with my kids and say “it can’t be!”. Its funny. I laugh a lot. In order to have energy, appetite and be happy with something, you have to leave the conscious behind and put the subconscious in front. This can be done with some training or with some substances, such as drugs. Some people haven’t realized that you can cause it yourself,” and added: “I’m not upset… I find it funny.”
Why did he enter politics?

“The red tape and red tape really wears me out even now. I also believed, wrongly, that it is the job of others to organize our lives,” he has said.

However, she herself admitted that her engagement with the public has something to do with the death of her godson who lost his life in the mountains of Tzoumerka “from heaps of omissions and shortcomings, after he bled on the mountain for five endless hours in front of our eyes of his parents”.

This fact marked her deeply, as she says, and “after a protest from his parents -mine of course-, but also from many others, the issue reached Parliament with a proposed bill for the establishment of air rescue. This showed once again the power of the citizen united. I understood that, when you fight for a cause, there is a chance to be heard”.
The meeting with Zoe Konstantopoulou and the path to the Parliament

“We met Zoe Konstantopoulou at our concert at Stavros tou Notou! It was a night where great, dynamic women had gathered, perhaps completely by accident, such as Idra Keyn, Niki Sereti, Penelope Anastasopoulou and others! Together with Eurydiki, who was singing, we had put them all on stage and the night was on fire as you can understand. When I got off the stage, I found Zoe in front of me smiling widely” she said in an interview.

I told her “really today the shop is full of female power” and that we need women who support their point of view with courage and love. He answered me with a smile “yes, but we also want the men next to us!” Of course I immediately agreed.

Shortly after, the proposal was made to her and that’s how Georgia Kefala found herself from the stage in the Parliament, ready to catch fire…
06-07-2023 @ 22:05
Iraqi ............... "Spartiatissa" i Tzwrtzia ap´oti eida ee??

Apo Eksarxeia Revolution kai tauli me ton Kasidiari ston Korydallo.

Wraio to profiterol!!!
06-07-2023 @ 23:13
Iraqi ................ se pire prefa kai i PONTIA oti milas me ton eauto sou re VLAKA.


Πουρδαλάς Νικολαος
06-07-2023 @ 20:55 Ρε μαλάκα έχει ξεσκιστεί στα τηλέφωνα και λέει οτι είναι δική μου η ανάρτηση. Πολλά είναι δικά
μου αλλά είναι copy paste. Πέστο του μαλάκα γιατί τον έχει πιάσει αμόκ.

Τώρα του έφταιξε και η Τζώρτζια επειδή ξέρει οτι τη γουστάρω και κατασκοπεύει
στο κανάλι μου και βλέπει και τα πάμε καλά. Εχει πάρει φωτιά ο κωλαρίγκος του.
Πουρδαλάς Νικολαος
06-07-2023 @ 21:03
Τόσα και τόσα του σούρνεις. Ακόμα δεν ξέρεις οτι αποθηκεύει αποσπάσματα άλλων και πολλές φορές τα χρησιμοποιεί? Δεν έχω ούτε πρόσβαση ούτε και θέλω να έχω πρόσβαση σε κανέναν κλώνο σου. Χεσμένο σε έχω. Ξέρω οτι με έχεις απωθημένο και μισείς ο.τι με αφορά, αλλά δεν γίνεται να χορεύουμε όλοι στους ρυθμούς σου. Βρές άλλον να ζηλευεις, να μισείς, να κρυφογουστάρεις, να φλερτάρεις, να ονειρεύεσαι, να γαμάς και να δέρνεις από μακριά. Απόκτησε ζωη!
06-07-2023 @ 22:27 Στόκε, όχι σεντονάρες.
Πουρδαλάς Νικολαος
06-07-2023 @ 22:52 Παίρνει τηλέφωνο ρε. Εχω δουλειές, οδηγάω, πάω για ψώνια, έχω υποχρεώσεις και τον έχω να βαράει τηλέφωνα. Πρίν λίγο έφτιαχνα με τη μάνα μου κάτι σε άλλο δωμάτιο κι αυτός παραμιλούσε μισή ώρα στην ανοιχτή ακρόαση. Δεν το ξανασηκώνω, τελείωσε ως εδω ηταν.
06-07-2023 @ 23:02 φραγή εισερχομένων κλήσεων

«Αποκλεισμός αυτού του καλούντος» ή «block this caller».

σταθερού τηλεφώνου, θα πρέπει να επικοινωνήσετε με τον πάροχο σας ή να χρησιμοποιήσετε μια συσκευή αποκλεισμού κλήσεων.
06-07-2023 @ 23:07 Σπάσε βλάκα, τώρα συζητούν οι μεγάλοι.

Αρκετά σε δουλέψαμε, μπλοκ μέχρι νεωτέρας βούρλο.

Τέτοιο χαϊβάνι σαν εσένα δεν υπάρχει!
07-07-2023 @ 00:08
O allos o VLAKAS mas to´rikse stin "klapsomouna" oti tou klepsame kai to "fictional" troxospito apo tin auli. KaraMOGGO pigainetona kanena koto-troxospito na mi mas ta prizei toulaxiston kai vara tou kamia VELONA sto SkatoprezoKRANIO.
18-10-2023 @ 06:08
Συνεχίστε την καλή δουλειά, διάβασα λίγες αναρτήσεις σε αυτόν τον ιστότοπο και θεωρώ ότι το ιστολόγιό σας είναι πολύ ενδιαφέρον και έχει σετ φανταστικών πληροφοριών.

Πρέπει να συνδεθείς για να μπορείς να καταχωρίσεις σχόλιο