Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 11:30 | .
Iraqi, ti leei to mauro "Leather-kwlán" re ................. xwrame san "MoJo-Replica" akoma mesa??

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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 13:32 | .
KaraMOGGOLETE mou ............ edw gelame!!!
Theleis na mas peis re HLITHIE oti m´auti tin anartisi eisai akoma "maximos"??
Miden titlo, miden keimeno, apla mia karasourgelé skitsografia tou KWLOU .......... wow!
PETHANOS xwris tafopetra re MLK,echt!
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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 13:50 | Eides KaraPREZAKO mou poso ponese otan sou eipa sto tilefwno ........... "O pateras sou den pethane tyxaia".
Den antekses agorina mou,giati eides to psema poso se xarakwnei from "inside" otan pas na krypseis tin alitheia.
Palio KaraGKIOZH ............ svineis sto psema sou!!! | |
Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 14:21 | .
Katalaves re VLAKA??
Den kanoun tetoiou eidous plakes gia na trollaroun dithen otan prokeitai gia "manades". Einai "sympantikoi" kanones autoi kai oriothetoun tin moira tou kathenos se kainourgies syxnotites kymatwn.
Ena mono sou lew, o VLAKAS o KaraMOGGOS me tin MLK pou ekane exthes ............... "xantakwthike" gia ta kalá!
Epeidi mou exei ftiaksei auto to karasourgele profil nomizei oti tha strepsei ton polo anagnwrisis se mena epeidi evale ena kathreftaki stin VrwmoKARAFLA tou gia na strefei tin desmi epanw mou ............ sagte,sagte!
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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 14:22 | Kára ..................... September vor der Tür!
Sag mal Mehl! | |
Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 21:24 | .
KaraMOGGO .................. katalaves tipota apo auta??
Nothing as matter
KaraPORNOXisDEAD11 ((Karamoggos Norvegicus)) © 18-08-2023 @ 12:40
Den kanoun tetoiou eidous plakes gia na trollaroun dithen otan prokeitai gia "manades". Einai "sympantikoi" kanones autoi kai oriothetoun tin moira tou kathenos se kainourgies syxnotites kymatwn.
Ena mono sou lew, o VLAKAS o KaraMOGGOS me tin MLK pou ekane exthes ............... "xantakwthike" gia ta kalá!
Epeidi mou exei ftiaksei auto to karasourgele profil nomizei oti tha strepsei ton polo anagnwrisis se mena epeidi evale ena kathreftaki stin VrwmoKARAFLA tou gia na strefei tin desmi epanw mou ............ sagte,sagte!
...ii momo "blind" copy / paste kai dithen "maximos" me "fouskwmena" arxidia apo to TSOKARO tin "Barbie" sou??
Pes mou toulaxiston ti simainei "sagte,sagte". Ante "germanomathi" mou .............. ESY ta perneis!
3xxx .............. axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 21:30 | .
KaraMOGGO ............ to tyxero noumero tis manas mou tis makaritissas itan to 23.
Mantepse poso xronwn tha itan fetos??
Den einai kai toso "tyxaio" pantws pou exw kapoia aneksigiti "eulogia" edw kai 2 mines.
Mipws yparxoun ontws kai alla pio simantika pramata apo "thitses" kai "stixakia" tou kwlou???
Lew re!
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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 21:38 | .
Tha sou ferei "megali" grousouzia auti i anartisi pou ekanes proxthes, oti me trollareis me ton "dithen" me ton thanato tis manas sou.
Na´kseres mono ti ATYXIA tha sou ferei auto to prama apo tin HLITHIOTHTA kai to gam.i.meno sou PSEMA pseutiko kivdilo GynaikoANTHWPAKI ............. na´kseres "mono"!!!
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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 21:50 | .
Tou allounou tou VLAKA, tou deixnei mia fwtografia me ton Mitsotaki pou foraei ena skoufo san kanenas RAPPER prin 15 dithen xronia opws leei kai tou leei oti einai o IDIOS.
Ma poso VLAKAS akoma re HLITHIO SkatoPREZAKI ............... deiksti mas ki edw dimosiws na gelasei ki o Kára me ta fouskwmena arxidia pou ton ponane apo to KLASIMO pou erixne to "TSOKARO" sto piswkwlito.
Ante KANAKH mou,pou mou ekleises kai to tilefwno epi topou otan sou eipa kati gia ton thanato tou patera sou.
Psakse na vreis ton tafo tis "Smaragdenias"(R.I.P) kai pigaine na tin parakaleseis na se sygxwresei kai anapse tis kammia lampada ki apo mena SkatoPSYXH DiaoloMA.I.MOU.
Kai stamata na milas san kamia "kolovi" Skato-OXIA gia to "Arianaki"::love.:: giati an fygei tha deis ti polla "kala" tha sou´rthoun ki esena "Seniorita" mou.
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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 21:54 | .
KaraMOGGO .............. to exeis "mplokarismeno" to Arianaki::love.:: mou eipe sto fb-messenger.
Ma toso XESTHS??
Kai me ti MOUTRA tha pas pali Oz na tin deis re HLITHIE???
Hthele na sou pei ta syllipityria tis.
Tha kouniseis "paly" to daktylaki sou???
What a FAG!!!!
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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 23:17 | .
Pare me tilefwno re thrasyDEILE SkatoMPOUXESA kai ksigisou san gnisios KRHTIKOS ilithie KatouroMONKEY.
Oi kritikes mantinades mono den se kanoun "kopeli" HLITHIE ee HLITHIE
Mono "paxya" logia kai nohmata eisai re KWTHWNI.
"Prwta anthrwpos meta Ellinas" ........... wow!
Kanto toulaxiston "Theanthrwpos","Yperanthrwpos" or what ever.
"Prwta Yperanthrwpos meta Ellinas"
"Arapokwsta" ................ piase ton "Kryptoniti" re!!!
Exoume provlima ............. o Kára vrike pali ta "Super-fystikia" tou kai paei gia Psiloreiti xwris aleksiptwto.
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Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 23:23 | KaraMOGGO ton "Kwsta Orfanoudaki" ton "Arapokwssta" ......... ton ksereis?? | |
Antiope11 18-08-2023 @ 23:24 | An tou deiksw kamia fwtografia tou KaraFLWROU pou anevazw tosa xronia tha se katalavei les?? | |