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 Friend & Ship
[align=center][I]This is the story of two little heros of life.
Allow me to introduce to you Friend and Ship.
These two boys a long time ago were called to fight.
Each one for a different reason.
Friend was fighting for his life
while Ship for nothing..

But Cruel life had torn them apart.
But even then they were feeling like being together.
Because there was a tide bond in between them named ''loyalty and trust''
And they were still fighting..

Until one shuny day Ship got a letter
"Friend is dead.Din't make it.Sorry"
Ship never cried.
Only he kept on fighting..

A few days later Ship decided to give up the fight and finally go back home.
He was feeeling too tired to fight for nothing.

When he arrived home a surprise was there for him.
Friend was there waiting for his other half part to come.
"Are you alive?"Ship asked.
"Thanks to you.You kept me alive"Friend said.
"But i lost the battle"Ship continued.
"No you didn't.You won"Friend responded.

Ship couldn't get a clue.
Suddenly he realised that Friend was absolutely right.
He had won.
He has finally found a reason to fight.
FriendShip was the key-word..

This was what kept Friend alive.
This was what gave Ship a reason to live.
Thanks God!![/I][/align]

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01-06-2007 @ 12:45
03-06-2007 @ 15:28
Είναι πολύ ωραίο! Μπράβο!!!! ::smile.:: ::smile.::

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