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 My Ithaca
[I]My Ithaca

The story of my Ithaca is one any elder can surely tell
As the memories of what once bring tears and their eyes do swell.
The trials and tribulations of a life well lived or so it seems.
The joys. The sorrows. The awards. The losses. The many dreams.
This is what life is all about – a journey taken from the moment of birth.
The path taken that measures our passion, our determination and our worth.

One young girl flying a kite that the gently gusting winds hold aloft.
One old woman dreaming of home – her memories faded and soft.
One full of promise and wonder for a life she has only begun to explore.
The other sadly content – but no regrets and never wishing for more.
A new beginning for both is now at hand.
Ithaca found – life’s journey written in the sand.

Ask me no questions and I shall tell you no lies.
Go on now speak up – put forth your how’s, where’s and why’s.
Wisdom you seek and so you are already beyond wise.
I can see the questions, doubt and suspicion in your eyes.
Yes, Ithaca does exist but not like any place you may have known.
Ithaca is the journey from beginning to end – each of us does on our own.

The joys and sorrows that meet us along the way.
The trials and tribulations of our lives from day to day.
The obstacles we have overcome and the aggressions we ignore.
The fervent prayers for understanding and the grace of God we do implore.
These are all part of one and the same
The journey’s end we seek – Ithaca by name.[/I]

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 4
      Στα αγαπημένα: 1

      Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες
      Ελεύθερος στίχος - Ποίηση

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Μη διαθέσιμο
09-08-2007 @ 08:06

Your "journey" ... a religious experience ... !!! ... ... ...

Truly, SUBLIME !!!

09-08-2007 @ 12:14
::blush.:: your praise deeply humbles me - thank you ::love.::
09-08-2007 @ 16:45
the end of all yours journeys,and the answers of all your questions.
any kind of answers,the ithaka has the quiestions....
Eridanus (Γιώργος Β...)
09-08-2007 @ 17:08
Very nice..indeed..... ::up.::

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