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 Those moments
 εμπνευσμένο απο μια βραδια στο Καβουρι...
[align=center]As I gazed in your eyes,
and saw the beautiful blue
My heart whispered to me,
And that’s when I knew

The waves were crashing,
On the sand at our feet
Time had stopped passing,
and I felt complete

I finally discovered,
What I'd known all along
A truth uncovered,
just couldn't be wrong

With the stars shining bright,
From the sky up above
I have just one word to describe it,
and that word, is love.

I think of it every time,
as I look at the stars
This memory is mine,
But those moments were

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 3
      Στα αγαπημένα: 1

      Έρωτας & Αγάπη
      Ελεύθερος στίχος - Ποίηση

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χαμογέλα...κι ας πονάς, και μην παίρνεις ποτέ κανέναν για δεδωμένο.
22-08-2007 @ 15:19
When love talks.....the world walks!!!!
Wonderful poem....!!!! ::yes.:: ::up.:: ::yes.::
22-08-2007 @ 16:58
the...crab ::hug.::
23-08-2007 @ 07:18
May it become more than just a memory written in the stars! ::love.:: ::love.::

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