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 She Was Crying
Anytime i walk down
i see one beautiful girl
walking in the town
and then i feel well

but know the girl feels not alright
cause peace has been killed
she was crying allnight
cause her name hasnt been thrilled

now we are crying with her
who she was crying for peace
we were holding her hair
and she was keep saying please

she knew something about it
was afraid of war
but she didnt know when she would meet
as she knew before

she was crying
with all those tears
cause we havent been trying
all these years

her name was freedom
her name was freedom
her name was freedom
her name was freedom

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 1
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0


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09-09-2007 @ 04:05
::up.:: ::up.::

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