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 Εχω Γερασει
 Μελλοντικα αποθεματα....
Μη με ρωτησεις να σου πω το 'τι και πως',
δεν ειμαι νεος πια,δεν εχω απαντησεις,
εχει περασει η δικη μου η εποχη,
εχω γερασει και εχω μονο ερωτησεις.

Μη με κουραζεις με το μελλον που θα ΄ρθει,
δεν ειμαι νεος πια, τον κοσμο για να αλλαξω,
εχει περασει η δικη μου η εποχη,
μεγαλωσα, τον κοσμο τονε γράφω.

Και μη μου λες οτι κατεχεις την αληθεια,
δεν ειμαι νεος πια, χρεία δεν εχω παραμυθια,
εχει περασει η δικη μου η εποχη,
μου εγιναν ονειρο, αληθεια και ζωη.


 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 12
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      Φιλοσοφικά,Κοινωνικά & Πολιτικά

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πανω στα ιχνη...... του καιρου
το κορίτσι του Μαι
31-12-2008 @ 00:51
μα πόσο είσαι??? ::smile.::
31-12-2008 @ 00:58
Δεν ειμαι και τοσοοο! γερος !
Το εγραψα για το μελλον !!

Amersa K
31-12-2008 @ 01:05
::love.:: ::kiss.:: ::kiss.::
31-12-2008 @ 01:26
Kαλή Χρονιά !!!!
::up.:: ::xmas.:: ::hug.::
31-12-2008 @ 01:53
Κατάλαβα οραματίστηκες την 100η σου Πρωτοχρονιά! ::laugh.::
Αντε καλή χρονιά!!!! ::up.:: ::kiss.::
31-12-2008 @ 02:09
Καλή χρονιά Νίκο

Σοφός γέρος,λέει ο λαός
31-12-2008 @ 03:29
Κουφαλα Χρονε δεν θα γερασουμε ποτε !! ::up.:: ::xmas.::
Nikos Krideras
31-12-2008 @ 05:57
έλα ντέ ! ::up.::
χάρης ο κύπριος
31-12-2008 @ 06:11
Καλή Χρονιά !
31-12-2008 @ 09:34
καλή χρονιά στην καρδιά είμαστε νέοι όμως ε;

::yes.:: ::yes.:: ::xmas.::
02-01-2009 @ 02:45
ΝΑΙ !!!
16-04-2009 @ 12:24
To Posterity
by Bertold Brecht
(translated from German by H. R. Hays)

Indeed I live in the dark ages!
A guileless word is an absurdity. A smooth forehead betokens
A hard heart. He who laughs
Has not yet heard
The terrible tidings.
Ah, what an age it is
When to speak of trees is almost a crime
For it is a kind of silence about injustice!
And he who walks calmly across the street,
Is he not out of reach of his friends
In trouble?
It is true: I earn my living
But, believe me, it is only an accident.
Nothing that I do entitles me to eat my fill.
By chance I was spared. (If my luck leaves me
I am lost.)
They tell me: eat and drink. Be glad you have it!
But how can I eat and drink
When my food is snatched from the hungry
And my glass of water belongs to the thirsty?
And yet I eat and drink.
I would gladly be wise.
The old books tell us what wisdom is:
Avoid the strife of the world
Live out your little time
Fearing no one
Using no violence
Returning good for evil --
Not fulfillment of desire but forgetfulness
Passes for wisdom.
I can do none of this:
Indeed I live in the dark ages!
I came to the cities in a time of disorder
When hunger ruled.
I came among men in a time of uprising
And I revolted with them.
So the time passed away
Which on earth was given me.
I ate my food between massacres.
The shadow of murder lay upon my sleep.
And when I loved, I loved with indifference.
I looked upon nature with impatience.
So the time passed away
Which on earth was given me.
In my time streets led to the quicksand.
Speech betrayed me to the slaughterer.
There was little I could do. But without me
The rulers would have been more secure. This was my hope.
So the time passed away
Which on earth was given me.
You, who shall emerge from the flood
In which we are sinking,
Think --
When you speak of our weaknesses,
Also of the dark time
That brought them forth.
For we went,changing our country more often than our shoes.
In the class war, despairing
When there was only injustice and no resistance.
For we knew only too well:
Even the hatred of squalor
Makes the brow grow stern.
Even anger against injustice
Makes the voice grow harsh. Alas, we
Who wished to lay the foundations of kindness
Could not ourselves be kind.
But you, when at last it comes to pass
That man can help his fellow man,
Do no judge us
Too harshly.
Category: Education

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