

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132422 Τραγούδια, 270622 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

 The Artist
He was the artist; the artist of dreams,
who never tasted life's juices and creams.
Two pennies spent -- his beggar's pay--
served him a loaf of stale bread each day.

He saw his past as a book of sorrow
and closed the chapters of his tomorrow.
He was the hobo, the tramp, the man,
who thought that from God he had been damned.

The sun didn't shine 'till after he'd lost hope.
He approached the tree, he secured the rope,
about to commit the ultimate sin;
he trembled as the rough noose touched his skin---

in the game of life, he threw his final ace.
With an empty stare painted on his face,
he crumbled the box; his neck bones shattered!
To this lifeless body nothing mattered.

And as I lay this orchid on his gray tomb,
I pray for his peace in his new found home.

 Στατιστικά στοιχεία 
       Σχόλια: 9
      Στα αγαπημένα: 0

      Συναισθήματα - Εικόνες
      Ελεύθερος στίχος - Ποίηση

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When the going gets tough, the tough get going!
30-01-2009 @ 15:09
i think it's very good Paula!
30-01-2009 @ 15:36
And as I lay this orchid on his gray tomb,
I pray for his peace in his new found home.

::up.:: ::yes.::
30-01-2009 @ 21:10
Υπεροχο Paula !!!!!! ::yes.:: ::up.:: ::hug.::
31-01-2009 @ 01:15
Οοο Υες.
31-01-2009 @ 03:15
And as I lay this orchid on his gray tomb,
I pray for his peace in his new found home.

Very Very good !!!!!!!!!
Good Morning Paula ::up.:: ::up.:: ::hug.::
31-01-2009 @ 04:22
Lovely poem Paula!!!!! ::yes.:: ::up.:: ::kiss.::
31-01-2009 @ 06:48
Thank you all for stopping by. ::hug.:: ::kiss.::
31-01-2009 @ 09:00
Graveyard poets the two of you. I do hope your final ace will be stronger than his. ::up.::
02-02-2009 @ 00:52
He saw his past as a book of sorrow
and closed the chapters of his tomorrow.
::up.:: ::yes.:: ::up.::

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