| A few carnations - 2433 Αναγνώσεις | | | | | Στίχοι: Γιάννης Ρίτσος & Ναζίμ Χικμέτ
Μουσική: Μάνος Λοΐζος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μάνος Λοΐζος
Λίγα γαρούφαλα απομένουνε στις γλάστρες
Στον κάμπο θα `χουν κιόλας οργώσει τη γης
Ρίχνουν το σπόρο
Έχουν μαζέψει τις ελιές
Όλα ετοιμάζονται για το χειμώνα
Κι εγώ γεμάτος απ’ την απουσία σου
Φορτωμένος με την ανυπομονησία των μεγάλων ταξιδιών
Περιμένω σαν αγκυροβολημένο φορτηγό
μέσα στην Προύσα
| | Lyrics: Yiannis Ritsos & Nazim Hikmet
Music: Manos Loizos
First version: Manos Loizos
A few carnations remain in the flower-pots
On the plain, they will by now have ploughed the earth
They scatter the seed
They have gathered the olives
All things prepare themselves for winter.
And I, filled with your absence
Charged with the longing for the great journeys
I am waiting like an anchored freighter
in the middle of Bursa *.
| | | * Bursa: a beautiful city in Asia Minor, about 80 km (as the crow flies) south of Istanbul, and some 25 km from the coast, at the foot of the Uludag mountain range. Like many cities in the region, it still has a Greek name which differs a bit from the Turkish. | Geeske © 08-11-2002 @ 01:14 |
Tonguc 15-09-2015 14:40 | 20 Kasım 1945
Saksılarda hâlâ tek tük karanfil bulunursa da
ovada güz nadasları yapıldı çoktan,
tohum saçılıyor.
Ve zeytin devşirilmekte.
Bir yandan kışa girilmekte,
bir yandan bahar fidelerine yer açılıyor.
Bense hasretinle dolu
ve büyük yolculukların sabırsızlığıyla yüklü
yatıyorum demirli bir şilep gibi Bursada...
Nazım Hikmet Ran |
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